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The brown haired Englishman clapped his hands together and smiled. "Of course, Oli. Andy, go to the wine cellar and pick out one of Oli's red ones."

"You don't have to do that", I said to Andrew. "You'll be leaving now, correct?"

Andy folded his arms and glowered. "I'm not leaving without Thorne", he stated firmly.

"Well, you're not leaving with her either", I shrugged, reaching down for Danny's designer suitcases. "C'mon, Thorne. We're-"

"I'm not a dog", Thorne hissed. "I can make my own decisions, especially when it comes to which undead thing I want protecting me. So far, Andy's looking better than you, Oliver, since he hasn't bitten me."

"OmiGod, I thought we were over that!" I groaned. "You have to stay here with me. Andy might turn on you the moment you leave this house-"

"But I didn't!" Andy interrupted.

"But as long as he's here in your house, Andy has to play by your rules", Thorne pointed out. "He doesn't like you and you don't like him. I want him here in case the other one tries doing something. If you're right about Andy, then take him out the moment he looks at Valerie funny and vice versa."

I locked eyes with Andy. As much as I didn't want to turn my home into a flop house, let alone one for vampire slayers, there were perks to this arrangement. I had Danny to help me should Andy do something rash. I knew this house better than he did, secret passages, servants' stairs, and all. I'd be able to keep my Thorne and make sure he didn't do anything to her, as I'd be right here at all times. Before heading upstairs with Danny's bags, I shrugged to both Thorne and Andy. "I'm okay with it as long as Andy is", I stated.

Thorne turned to the slayer, who relented. "The moment he creeps into my room while I'm sleeping, I'm staking him in the heart", Andy growled. Thorne seemed pleased enough and left everyone alone in the entry hall to go watch TV. Valerie opted to go to my office and check out the paperwork for the shop while Nikki crawled back in bed.

"Well, they're a fun bunch, eh?" Danny asked, following me up the stairs.

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