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I rolled my eyes and found his favourite room, third door on the right when you just reach the stair top. "Better than a barrel full of monkeys", I muttered. Danny looked at me sympathetically as he fell into a wing backed arm chair.

"Thorne can't stay mad at you forever", he said. "I'm sure your girlfriend will figure herself out in no time-"

"Girlfriend?" I repeated. "Thorne's hardly my girlfriend-"

"Well, you sure do look at her funny then", Danny laughed. I got a fluttery feeling in my stomach that I normally got when Thorne was brought up. It's not that I didn't want to be with her, she was just way younger than me and thus much less mature. I also didn't know if I could handle watching anyone I was so close to age and die in what would feel like a matter of minutes while I went on to live another 600 years. Danny of course, didn't understand this logic and insisted on teasing me about it.

"Oli's got a girlfriend!" he squealed happily. "Oli's got a girlfriend."

"Danny", I grumbled. He laughed hysterically and kept chanting. He was only going to stay here for two weeks but damn, I just knew it would be a long two weeks.

}}}}} 2 months later {{{{{

I wake up from a call and look over at it, "Oli? Why is Oli calling me?" I answer" hello? Yes Oliver baby what's wrong?"

He faintly answers "I'm sorry for everything I wanted to hear your voice before I ended it all..."

I hear my voice crack "N-NO OL-OLIVER..." thats when I heard a steak puncutre him and one last breath. "OLIVER. HELLO. PLEASE HEAR ME" it was no use he was gone and it was all my fault.

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