31] The Call

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"Ma'am, are you alright?" Max asks me.

It feels like I can't breathe. Like the walls in my throat are closing in.

"I'm fine.." I say. "Roman, he's ba-" I hear the doors from the room open.

"Ana?" I look back at Aaron half-naked. Fuck.

Max looks from me to Aaron.

"Who is this?" Aaron asks.

"He's Max..." I point slightly with my hand. "Max this is Aaron," I sigh. "My boyfriend."

Max stares, muddled.

"Sorry, and...what is he here for?" I understand that Aaron is kindly trying to find out the answer to his questions.


I interrupt Max before saying his name. "Mr. Godfrey," I turn to Aaron. "Alfonso Godfrey, my mom's boyfriend. He sent Max here as our guide around New York just in case we need it." I quickly say.

"Mm," Aaron lets out. "I'll go change." he returns to the room, closing the doors behind him.

I lean against my arms, negligibly biting my middle finger in stress.

"Ms Levine. I hate to ask, and know it may not be my place to, but," he hesitates. "I came here knowing you were somewhat," he breathes in. "Mr. Godfrey's wife."

I turn my head in shock. I nearly smile, but did he tell him that? "No. No. Roman is not," I shake my head. "He's not my husband." I pause. "I don't really know what he wants."

"My apologies, Ms Levine," he says.

"Don't apologize, Max. Do you think I can have his work number?" I ask, not knowing what the fuck I'm doing.

"Ma'am, I don't think he'll allow-"

"I need his number, Max," I demand.

"Yes, ma'am." he hesitantly takes out a card from his pocket. Handing me the card it reads,

Godfrey Institution, RG
And a phone number underneath.

"Thank you, Max, for everything. I'll speak to him, go enjoy the city, do something you wanna do." I smile at him.

"Thank you, Ms. Levine." and he leaves.

I walk to the door, "Aaron?" I question. "I'm going to take an important call from my university, I'll be back."

"Alright, baby," he says through on the other side of the door.

I walk to the other side of the apartment where I see another large room. Going in, I close the door behind me, pulling out the card and clicking the numbers on my phone.

I'm about to push the green button but the pressure is coming back to me. The way I would speak to him when I was in l-

It's all coming back. I don't even know how I'm going to be able to get my point across. I stare out into the view, how beautiful everything looks from up here. I'm surprised there is sun in the middle of winter.

I click it. The ringing injects a hard cadence into my eardrum. My heart pounds in fear. I'm starting to panic until the ringing stops.

I don't know how I'll react to his voice. The voice of a growling man. Of a man, only everyone should fear. My veins feel as if they are about to pop out of my skin.

"Hello?" but it's not him. It's a woman.

Somehow it angers me. "Hi," I say.

"Yes?" she responds.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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