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Feeling alone is one of the worst things to feel. That sense of dread every time you see someone, knowing they don't really like you, they just tolerate you. 

Growing up with an anxiety disorder didn't make this any easier. It was so hard to tell when someone actually like you. The constant pain, the hurt, the nauseous feeling got too much. So one day you decided to end it, to get rid of all of the pain and hurt people have caused you . But its never that easy is it. You work for ages planning the best way to do it, to make it less painful, but the cards were never on your side. 

The day came and you got on that bridge, you stood on the edge, looking down. All you could think about was how the world was going to lose you, and no one would care, no one would remember that you were alone. The sound of sirens from behind you snapped you back. 

"Hey- what's your name? I'm officer Grey-" You heard from behind you. "y/n-" You chocked out. The guy behind you began talking to you, telling you everything about him, in hope that you would come down. He wanted you to get down so he could get to know you. 

You hesitated. You wanted to end it all so badly, to just go. But something stopped you, something stopped you from stepping off of that bridge and meeting your fate. You turned round, stepping back down onto the bridge you were immediately met with arms wrapping you in a warm embrace. All you could do was cry. 

You felt the person who had hold of you walk you to a car, placing you carefully onto the backseat. You looked up and saw the Officer and all you could muster up to say was "Thank you.." 

That day is what made you decide who you wanted to be when you got older. You wanted to be a police officer. 

Your parents had disowned you when you were little. So when they heard you had nearly jumped they acted like they cared in front of the cops but in private they laughed. Mocked you.

You worked your ass off in school and then even harder in the Academy. Revising and studying at every chance you could. 

 It was unlikely that you would ever see that officer again but of you did you would thank him. You would thank him for saving your life and making it worth living again, even if you had nobody. You would be forever grateful for what he did. 


A little bit of a backstory to this story!!

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