E l e v e n

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From above,
The world seems small and shy,
Time's a mystery,
It dances in persistence,
Yet once gone,
Its memory makes us sigh,
In its absence,
We yearn for its instance,
Time's fleeting nature,
Our hearts can't defy.


Placing the breakfast gently on the table, Alan carefully removed the gloves from his hands. His movements were deliberate. With a sense of purpose, he made his way to Evanna's room, his steps soft against the floorboards.

It had only been yesterday morning when they reached Illinois, the whirlwind of travel still fresh in their minds. Upon reaching his two-bedroom apartment, Alan wasted no time in ensuring Evanna was settled before heading straight to the office. The demands of work had kept him occupied well into the night, the clock ticking past 2 am by the time he returned home.

Aware of Evanna's need for rest, Alan had slipped into his own bedroom without a sound, unwilling to disturb her peace. But with the dawn of a new day, a sense of responsibility weighed heavily on his mind. Rising early, he took it upon himself to prepare breakfast for Evanna, a small gesture tinged with remorse for his late return the night before.

As he stood outside her door, Alan hesitated for a moment, his hand poised to knock. The morning light filtered through the windows, casting a gentle glow on the hallway. With a steadying breath, he rapped lightly on the door.
“Eva, the breakfast is placed on the table. Eat it before it gets cold.”

No sound was heard from the other side. Thinking Evanna was in deep sleep, he was about to retort back to his room to get dressed for work when the sound of door unlocking was heard.

Alan turned back as his gaze fell upon Evanna, who stood before him, adorned in a vibrant pink suit. Caught off guard by her unexpected attire, Alan's eyes flickered down to his own rumpled clothes.

"Why aren't you ready yet? Won’t you be late for work?"
Evanna inquired.

"Huh? Yeah, I was just about to get dressed."
He stammered, his mind racing to catch up with the sudden turn of events. Curiosity tugged at his thoughts, and he couldn't help but pose his own question.
"Are you going somewhere?"

With a casual grace, Evanna settled into a chair, her movements fluid as she reached for the breakfast spread before her.
"Yeah, I am coming with you."

Alan's brows furrowed in confusion. "Coming with me? Where?"

"In the office, of course."
Evanna stated matter-of-factly, her gaze fixed on Alan as if daring him to object.

"Why would you go there?"
Alan's puzzlement deepened, his mind struggling to grasp her reasoning.

"It's boring to stay here all day. So I thought I could come with you to kill some time."
She replied nonchalantly.
"Why? Can I not come?"

Caught off guard by her response, Alan hesitated for a moment, his thoughts swirling with uncertainty.
"No, but—"
He began, only to be swiftly interrupted by Evanna's decisive interjection.

"That's great then. Go and get ready quickly."
She declared, her command leaving little room for argument as she returned her attention to her breakfast.

With a bemused expression lingering on his features, Alan cast one last glance at Evanna before retreating to his room.


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