Framed! :

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It was a normal school day at CHS,Me and my friends were in the music room doing band practice.

"What song should we practice?" I ask.
"How about we write a new one?" Said Fluttershy.
"Good idea Fluttershy,we haven't written a new song in a long time." I say.
"How about we write the lyrics later and just make the music first." Said AJ.
"Ok." We all say.
Everyone starts playing music on their instruments.

Lightning Dust's POV :
"I Hate Rainbow Dash!" I yell.
What can I do to get revenge on everything she's done to me?
Maybe I could find other people who hate Rainbow Dash and we could plan revenge together.
But who hates Rainbow Dash?,everyone thinks she's so Awesome.

I go around asking students what they think of Rainbow Dash,I meet three boys called Hoops,Dumbell and Score who are Rainbow Dash's childhood bullies and they hate her as much as I do.


Then I decide to meet up with Wind Rider,an Ex Wonderbolt who retired and framed Rainbow Dash since he didn't want her to beat his perfect score.

Maybe I should frame her.

Rainbow Dash's POV :

"Attention everyone,please come to the gym for a very important meeting!" Said Principal Celestia on the intercom.

"I wonder what's so important?" Said AJ.
"Me too." I say.
We all put our instruments away and walk to the gym.

I see a lot of students sitting down on the bleachers,whispering to each other.

"What's going on?" I ask.
"I don't know." Said Spitfire.
"Principal Celestia said there was something very important but no one knows what it is yet." Said Fleetfoot.

"Hello students,I have called you all in here because we have a very important and serious thing to talk about." Said Principal Celestia.
*Everyone gasps and starts whispering again*

"Somebody has stolen the Relics from the Daring Do set again and Vandalised our School statue."  Said Principal Celestia.

"The relics were stolen again." I say.
"By who?" Said Twilight.
"We don't know yet." Said Vice principal Luna.
"I think I know who did it." Said Lightning Dust.
"You do?" I say.
"Who?" Said Principal Celestia.
"Who do we know in this school that is a huge Daring Do fan?" Says Lightning Dust.
"Uh anyone?" Says Sunset.
"I'm a huge Daring Do fan." Said Twilight.
We look at her with suspicion.
"But it wasn't me." She says.
"Who else do we know that likes Daring Do so much?" Says Lightning Dust.
"Quibble Pants?" Says Pinkie.
"Quibble only likes the Daring Do that solves puzzles and uses her brain to get out of tough situations and I like the Daring Do that is brave and awesome and comes out on top no matter the odds." I say.
"Rainbow Dash you're the only other person we know that has read all of the Daring Do books and  watched the movie more than once." Says Twilight.
"Oh." I say.

"See Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna,it was Rainbow Dash that stole the Relics and Ruined the statue." Said Lightning Dust.
"WHAT!" I yell.
They all look at me.
"I would never do any of that,why would you think it was me?" I ask.
"I did see you next to the statue after school yesterday." Said a random student.
"I was waiting for someone." I say.
"And you did say you'd do anything to play Daring Do in a movie." Said another student.
"Yeah but I didn't mean anything." I say.
"Lightning Dust came by my office at midnight where were you then?" Said Principal Celestia.
"I was asleep at midnight,having this totally amazing dream,there I was at the studio on the set for Daring Do with the other actors like I've always wanted to-i-uh never mind,not helping." I say.
*Everyone whispers as a group*

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