The Sleepover :

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Pinkie is throwing a huge sleepover party tonight and she invited Me,Sunset,Twilight,AJ,Rarity,Fluttershy,Soarin,
Cheese,Spitfire,Fleetfoot,Scootaloo,Apple Bloom,Sweetie Belle and Rumble.

I'm packing my bags in my room,when I get a call from Pinkie.


Pinkie Pie : HEYYYY DASHIE!!!!!
Rainbow Dash : Hey Pinkie!
Pinkie Pie : Are you excited for tonight?
Rainbow Dash : Yes!
Pinkie Pie : Ok Bye Dashie!!!
Rainbow Dash : Bye Pinkie!

*call ended*

After I finished packing my bags I asked Scootaloo if she wanted to walk with me to Pinkie's house but she said she'll use her scooter so I just walked there by myself.

*At Pinkie's House*

The door was already open so I just went inside and walked upstairs to see Pinkie,Fluttershy and AJ playing games.
"Hey guys." I say.

"Hi Dashie!" Said Pinkie.
"Hi." Said Fluttershy.
"Hey." Said Apple Jack.
"Where is everyone?" I asked.
"They should be here soon." Said Pinkie.

"Hi." Said Twilight.
"Hello Darlings." Said Rarity.
"Hi." Said Sweetie Belle.
"Hey." Said Apple Bloom.
"Where's Scootaloo?" I ask.
"Oh I think Scootaloo and Rumble went to get some stuff." Said Sweetie Belle.
"Ok." I say.
"We're here." Said Scootaloo.
"We just went to get more snacks." Said Rumble.
"Ok good." I say.
"We're here too!" Said Sunset,walking with Flash,Cheese,caramel and Thunderlane.

Then Timber,Discord,Spitfire,Soarin and Fleetfoot arrived.

"Ok now that everyone's here,let's party!" Said Pinkie.

"Who wants to play truth or dare?" Said Rarity.
"Me." I say.
"Me too." Said Sunset.
"Ok who wants to go first?" Said Rarity.
"I'll go." Said Flash.
"Ok Flash,Truth or Dare?" Said Rarity.
"Dare." Said Flash.
"I dare you to post an embarrassing video of yourself." Says Rarity.
"Ok,done." Says Flash.
"Who's next?" Says Rarity.
"Me." Said Pinkie.
"Pinkie,Truth or Dare?" Said Flash.
"Hmm,I'll pick truth." Says Pinkie.
"Is it true that you and cheese played a prank on Mr Cranky Doodle at school yesterday?" Says Flash.
"True." Said Pinkie.
"Ok who wants to go next?" Said Pinkie.
"Me." Said Fluttershy.
"Fluttershy,Truth or Dare?" Said Pinkie.
"Truth." Said Fluttershy.
"Is it true that you sneak all of your pets into your bag?" Said Pinkie.
"Yes." Says Fluttershy.
"Who's next?" Says Pinkie.
"Me." Said Discord.
"Ok discord Truth or Dare?" Says Fluttershy.
"Dare." Said Discord.
"I dare you to tell everyone your best prank you've ever done." Said Fluttershy.
"I think all of them are my best pranks." Said Discord.
"Can I go next?" I ask.
"Ok Rainbow Dash Truth or Dare?" Said Discord.
"Dare." I say.
"I dare you to prank call someone." Said Discord,
"Ok,let me think of someone to call." I say.

*the prank call*

Random person : hello
Rainbow Dash : hi is this Zephyr Breeze
Random Person (Zephyr) : Yes
Rainbow Dash : are you watching tv in a tree house?
Random Person : uh how did you know?
Rainbow Dash : I can see you,are you also in a room full of birds?
Random person : Yes but who is this?
*Rainbow Dash hangs up the phone*

"That was fun." I say.
"I'll go next." Said Spitfire.
"Ok Spitfire Truth or Dare?" I ask.
"Truth." Says Spitfire.
"Is it true that you like Wave Chill." I ask.
"I-uh,can we skip this truth and give me another question." Said Spitfire.
"Ugh ok,is it true that you love shouting at people." I say.
"Yes." Says Spitfire.

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