Chapter - 1

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Mysterious man towards the woods

A dark shadow of a beast like man was walking in the snowy cold night. It was negative degree Fahrenheit on the outside, few minutes of walking could get you paralyzed on the snow. Even with big boots you won't be able to walk for a long time on the cold. His big boots stomped over big chuck on snowpacks all over the ground. He was carrying a night lamp on his hand as he continued walking towards the woods. This man wearing a black suit which seem ripped over the shoulders and hands, his arms were bleeding yet he was walking towards the woods. His eyes were shrunk due to tiredness and lack of sleep. And they were puffed underneath his eyes, making him harder to see things at night. After walking over a stack of snow, the man started to take baby steps as his body slowly starts to give up but the woods right in-front of his eyesight. His courage is determining but even with that his body couldn't move, it was so cold and the wind is blowing above average. After three hours of walking on the snow, the man fell over a pile of snow and blacked out.

Time passed ahead and it has been an hour that man was lying face down on the snow, his breath is slowly fading away but he seemed to be a bit conscious and trying to hold his breath by taking small breaths on each of his nostrils. But he couldn't continue it for a long time and he gave up and stopped breathing. A guy on a black suit found the man laying down on the ground, he picked him up but he was too heavy to carry. He took off his boots and his sword, gun and a bag off his body. He carried him to the wood, into a house in the middle of the woods. He took care of his wounds then he gave him something to drink and eat but his body was not cooperating. His legs were wrecked and no blood flow in his below his knees. He tried putting his legs next to the fire but still they were not getting better so he started rubbing the skin with his bare palm. That man fell asleep after couple of drinks and food. He was so tired and needed a proper rest. He left him near the fire and went inside to cook some more food after he woke up, he might need it.

It has been few hours after the man was taken into the house in the woods. Two bulky armed man came to the spot where they found footprints of a person, they followed the footprint to the woods and they saw a house with the smoke leave off the chimney and the house. One of the guys took out his phone and made a call.

"Boss, we found him. What should we do? He is inside a house that is in the middle of the woods. But there seem to be a people inside the house." A matured deep voice spoke from the other side of the phone, giving them an instruction. The guy who is speaking on the called and said "Sure. Will do Boss." And he ended the call. He gave some instruction to the other guy standing next to him confused. They both started to move towards the house in the woods holding a gun in their hands. "Stay cautious and be careful" the guy named Marcus, walking ahead of Lucus.

A car honking sound was clamoring in his ears, he peaked through the window and saw a car coming towards his house at a full speed. He dropped everything and checked on the guy on the bed next to the fire but he already passed away due to severe hypothermia. He ran out of the house before the car crashed against his house and crumbling it down. But he manages to escapes out of the sight though a tunnel he built under the basement.

The car crashes the house, wrecking half potion of the house. No one saw a person leaving or coming out of the house. Those two men went in to check if there is anyone left and they found the body of the guy whom they were looking for. But he was already dead. They continued looking for the person who was living in this house, but there was no trace of him. "He might have got crumbled in the car crash. Even if he managed to escape, he would die in hypothermia like this guy" those were speaking and laughing among themselves.

"What are you two yapping about?" a cold deep voice spoke loud from the car that followed after the car that wrecked the house. "Were you two not paying attention? He got away through a tunnel underneath the basement. He was smart. He might give us some trouble in the future. Find out, where that tunnel leads to and get me the details of this guy" he spoke and left the room.

"Yes, Boss" they both said in unison. And they started throwing away the blocks of bricks which was covering the tunnel under the basement. But they couldn't get through because the way was entirely blocked by the bricks and woods. "What should we do now? We can't give any excuse to our boss. We need to find where that BASTARD RAN OFF. I swear to God, I will kill him with my own hands" Marcus spoke out in anger. Lucus gave him a pat on the back and continued "Leave it for the moment. Save the energy for the later once we find him." They got outta the house and went straight to the car that the boss sent out for them. They hopped in and left the place to gather info on the man on the loose. 

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