Chapter - 2

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Enigmatic man revealed

The mysterious guy wandering in the streets of Tokyo. He made some calls earlier and he was asked to wait on the restaurant. He ordered himself some Ramen and started eating while tears ran down his eyes. The sight of the man who died in front of his eyes was hunting him. It was stuck in his head. As he was eating, a guy on a black suit approached him. "I am Nathaniel, was sent by the boss to collect you." He said it with a cold voice. He could tell that he does not like him.

"Hello there!! I am Jeon aka "Steel Salvator". Nice to meet you" he greeted back and continued eating his Ramen. He did not care that he was there sitting on the other side. "Oops- I am sorry. I almost forgot you came here to pick me. I will be done in a minute. You want some? Should I order?" he asked the guy sitting on the other side. "No, I ate enough. Thank you." He responded and looked in the other direction. "You are going to miss it. This the Ramen you find on this entire Tokyo, you might never get this opportunity to try this Ramen in your life again" he asked him again which he rejected like expected.

"Are you done? Shall we go now? I don't why Boss asked me to pick you have all people. Let's hurry, we wasted a lot of time here." He stood up and started walking towards the exit. "Wait, we need to go shopping. Can't you see, I am mess. I cannot meet the Boss with this outfit. "He smiled a bit and walked towards the exit, hopped in the car. "So, you agree. Are we going for a shopping?" he asked one more time to confirm.

"Alright. Fine. We can go. Gosh!! You're so Annoying" he said it after he agreed. They arrived at the shop. Jeon hopped off the car and went inside the shop to look for some clothes. "Make sure you come inside the shop because I do not have any cash or card on me" he walked inside after making that statement strong.

Nathaniel parked the car at the parking lot. Entered the shop, looking for Jeon but he couldn't find him. But then a loud voice came out from the side. "Over Here!! How do I look?" Jeon asked Nathaniel from the other side of the hall. It got Nathaniel pissed but he controlled himself and responded "Looks good. Let's go" jeon responded nothing but walked into the dressing room and changed to another. It was a black suit. Was his favorite. "Alright. Let's go."

Jeon came out wearing the expensive suit in the shop which is around $30k. "AH- WHAT- ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? You really going to wear this suit to meet the boss? And why the fuck is it so expensive." He asked him a lot of question. But Jeon responded "IT IS WHAT IT IS, Let's go pay and so we can leave soon" he smiled and walked him to the counter. "You got the money, right?" Jeon asked him in a teasing way.

"Yea. What do you think. I am not as broke as you are but I am wondering, how would you pay me back? If you cannot let's agree on something. You will be serving me for the eternity" he placed a bet and made Jeon promise. "Fair enough" he agreed. "$30k is not a small amount to be carrying around. You got to be careful" he said in a jokingly serious way. "I am aware of that and why you treating me like a child. I am grown enough to know how to take care of myself." Nathaniel responded in anger but he paid for the suit. "I am not stopping the car anywhere else we are heading straight to the boss" he made that point clear to Jeon by rephrasing it quiet the number of times.

"Sure, you're the BOSS here" Jeon responded. They got out the shop and hopped in the car as Nathaniel began to drive, Jeon turned on the radio and played some music. And started singing along the song. Nathaniel likes that song but he showed it off much on his face.

"Soo.. Are you going to tell me what's goin' on? What happened to your cloth? Why is it dirty?" Jeon was looking outside as distracted he is as always. But he heard what Nathaniel has said. "Nah, it isn't anything worth knowing. We got much better things to be focusing on. But will tell you by some time, it is a long story but I am so not in the mood to explain the story, can you focus on the road." He responded, completely ignoring the emotion. And he continued vibing with the song. He almost made Nathaniel sing but his ego and temper was so much that he didn't sing. Finally, they arrived at the Boss office.

Description on Mafia Stay Place:

Secrecy and Security: Mafia living places are typically located in discreet and secluded areas, such as remote rural properties, suburban neighborhoods, or concealed urban locations. Security measures like high walls, surveillance cameras, and armed guards may be in place to deter intruders and maintain secrecy.

Fortified Structure: The building itself is often fortified to withstand potential attacks or raids by law enforcement or rival criminal organizations. Reinforced doors, bulletproof windows, and hidden exits may be incorporated into the design to enhance security.

Luxurious Amenities: Despite the criminal nature of their activities, mafia leaders often live in luxury within their headquarters. The interior may feature lavish furnishings, expensive artwork, and state-of-the-art amenities to provide comfort and prestige for the residents.

Meeting Rooms: Mafia living places typically include designated meeting rooms where high-ranking members gather to discuss business matters, make decisions, and strategize their operations. These rooms may be equipped with communication devices, conference tables, and security measures to ensure privacy.

Communication Infrastructure: Advanced communication systems, such as encrypted phones, secure internet connections, and radio transceivers, are often installed to facilitate communication between members and coordinate criminal activities.

Storage Facilities: Mafia headquarters may include storage facilities for storing weapons, illicit goods, and other contraband. These areas are often hidden or compartmentalized to avoid detection and maintain operational security.

Residential Quarters: In addition to serving as a meeting place, some mafia headquarters may also function as residences for key members of the organization. These living quarters are typically separate from the main meeting areas and offer privacy and security for the occupants.

Escape Routes: To evade capture during police raids or rival attacks, mafia living places may have hidden escape routes, underground tunnels, or alternative exits that allow occupants to flee quickly and discreetly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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