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It's been a week since they've seen Jaemin and while they both wonder how he's doing, Jeno has had a lot more time to think about how he feels about him. He's always thought of him as his first love, unrequited of course, and of course his best friend. As much as Renjun says he is more than happy for them to become friends again, he doesn't want him to have a shred of doubt about his love for him. Jeno knows that no matter how close Jaemin and him would get, he could never ever fall for anyone other than Renjun, but he worries that he could misunderstand and feel jealousy.

It's Friday now and Jeno has a special surprise for Renjun he's been working on it for a while and finally has everything he wants and now he only has to have Mark and Haechan distract him for a few hours.
"Jeno? Uh, is it ok if I go out with Mark and Haechan for dinner since you are working late?" Renjun asks, popping his head in the door. Jeno sighs and rubs his eyes.
"How about you rephrase that sentence to how it's supposed to sound." He says with a smirk. Renjun frowns.
"Please?" He asks making Jeno laugh.
"Come here prince." He says still chuckling. Renjun comes into his office and is swiftly pulled into his lap.
"You were supposed to say. Jeno, I'm going out with Mark and Haechan for dinner, I will see you later at home." Renjun blushes.
"You don't have to ask my permission. I love you and trust you and want you to live your life. As long as you aren't in any danger I won't stick to your side like a psychopath." Renjun giggles.
"Sorry, I'm not used to this. I've never had a relationship like this, or really any at all." Jeno kisses his lips.
"I would love it if you spend some time with them. I will probably be home when you get there, then I'll stick to you like glue." Renjun accepts another kiss before standing.
"Ok, I'll be off now. Mark is done now and Haechan is waiting to be picked up. I love you." He says blowing a kiss, which Jeno cutely pretends to catch.
"I love you baby, have a good time." He waves as he walks out the door.

Jeno left his office as soon as Mark texted that they were leaving. He has a lot to prepare and only a short amount of time to do it. He calls the floral shop first to check on his order before heading home. He doesn't know why he's so nervous but he is. He really hopes Renjun likes it.

After dinner Haechan walks him to the door and gives him a long hug.
"I love you Junie. Thank you for eating with us." Renjun smiles.
"Love you too. Thank you for having me." Haechan smirks and walks away as he opens his door.

When he walks in the place is dimly lit, mostly candles and one lamp in the living room. He takes his jacket and shoes off and starts to walk further in when he notices rose petals on the floor. He smiles softly as he realizes what exactly is taking place tonight. He follows the trail and stops abruptly when Jeno is standing in front of him. He offers a glass of wine which he takes a small sip from.
"What's the occasion?" Renjun asks as he follows Jeno on the rose petal path toward their bedroom. When he walks in his jaw drops. Through the dim light of the candles he can see bouquets of roses in all different colors and the bed is littered with red petals.

Jeno takes the wine glass from his hand and kisses his lips softly.
"The occasion is that I want to make love to my human prince one more time." Renjun gasps.
"T-tonight?" He asks in disbelief. Jeno nods.
"That is, if you still want it?" He asks softly, knowing the answer already.
"I do, I really do." Jeno smiles.
"Good, but first, I am going to worship every part of you." Renjun smiles shyly.

Jeno undoes his tie and slides his jacket to the floor before unbuttoning his shirt and doing the same. Renjun doesn't speak, just allows him to undress him wordlessly.
Jeno then undresses himself then pulls Renjun in for a sweet kiss. He holds him close, their bodies so close they are one. He moves them to the bed, watches as Renjun lays in his bed of rose petals, he's beautiful.
"You are the definition of art." Renjun gets shy and covers his cheeks.

Jeno starts navigating his body with his mouth. Starting from his ankles to his knees. He bites and sucks on his inner thighs, driving him mad. He kisses his hips and stomach, working his way up to his mouth. When he gets there he nibbles at his neck making Renjun whimper with each soft press of his lips.
Finally when their lips meet a spark is ignited. Jeno's hands are holding Renjun's head. His fingers massaging his scalp and playing with his hair. Renjun's hands are roaming the expanse of Jeno's back as they stay impossibly close.
"I love you so much prince. I'm so happy you are doing this for me, for us. I can't even tell you how happy you make me. No matter how much I try, my words can never express my true feelings." Renjun wipes Jeno's eyes as he starts to cry.
"I'm honored that you are doing this for me, and for us. I love you so much more every day. You own my heart my king." Renjun says making Jeno smile.

Jeno is slow to work his way around his body. Loving every part of him, worshiping him in the most sensual way. His lips caressing his skin softly, his hands touching every part of him.
Renjun is overwhelmed by his ability to make every inch of his body tingle just by his touch.

He works him up softly and slowly but when the need is too great he stops and takes his hands in his own.
"My beautiful love, my prince, are you ready?" Renjun's smile warms his heart as he searches his soul.
"Yes my love, my king, I'm ready." Jeno takes a deep breath in and exhales slowly.
The amount of trust Renjun has in him makes him sure of their decision.

As they make love this night, slowly, full of a deep, never ending love they are connected on a deeper level than ever before. The thougjts leave their heads as their hearts lead the way.

When it's time, Jeno lowers himself to be flush with his lover and kisses him deeply before he finds his special spot and places soft kisses there.
"I love you Jeno Lee, make me yours forever."
His fangs graze his skin as Renjun is still writhing with pleasure beneath him. With one last whisper of I love you, he sinks them in.
Renjun screams out once again before succumbing to the pleasure. His release, it seems is more powerful than any other as he slowly fades into a deep sleep.

Jeno continues until his heart beat gets slower, almost to a stop, then pulls out and stares at his love. He watches as he sleeps. Never leaves his side. His heart is so full, so warm, Renjun is a part of him now. He will forever be a part of him.

When the mid day sun is high in the sky Renjun wakes in his bed of roses. The room has a golden glow, he feels at peace. He reaches to his side to feel Jeno's hand and takes it in his own. He can feel him stir next to him and smiles brightly.
"My prince." Jeno says softly. Renjun looks over at his smiling face and touches his cheek while he whispers.

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