Chapter 2

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The little girl when opened her eyes was in shocked her little eyes were shining more than ever when she saw the surprise
It was a chestnut horse with a long white streak going down the face the nose was pink with little moles he was beautiful he had his 4 feet white which at that time was pretty rare for a quarter horse the horse was tall and had a shining tail as well as the mane  the little girl was so happy the adults could see it on her eyes the girl ran towards the horse to then put her hand so the horse could smell her the horse then gave permission for the girl to touch it such a touching moment the girl whispered at the horse
A- i will love you no matter what Chaplin
The girl had named the horse Chaplin such a unique name for a unique horse
Years passed Chaplin and adriana both very unique names the horse and the girl had a unique bond but it all changed when the girl had to move from cities the horse was at Tijuana but the girl had to move to another city due to covid the girl was so sad that she had to leave her horse but it was for the best Tijuana wasn't a very sociable place for a little girl to live so they went where all the family was in Sinaloa months passed online classes started it was very difficult for Adriana this whole situation where we couldn't leave our houses was very frustrating
Fast forward Adriana is now 10 years old
"In Adriana's room" the voice of the teacher could be heard loud and clear but in the mid of Adriana it was just some bables or nonsense she wasn't paying much attention she was thinking of what would Chaplin would be doing right now but suddenly a voice returned her to earth

Teacher- Adriana?
A-Ah yes
Teacher- i was asking you if you could read paragraph 8
A- a-ah yea sure
Adriana always thought day and night about Chaplin until one day his dad told her that he had a surprise they went to another ranch
Adrianas eyes opened as wide as a plate when she saw Chaplin in one of the stables she ran towards him Chaplin soon also recognized her but Adriana was way to big than the first time she had chaplin she was really happy his dad saw how her daughters eyes shined as bright as the first time she saw the horse
D- do you want to ride him?
A- Yes please!!!
Adriana was really excited she was going to ride the horse after a while as soon as she got up in the saddle she felt tranquility she felt peace as if no one else existed it was just Adriana and Chaplin vs the world it went on like that Adriana visited very frequently Chaplin until a day where adriana got interested in horse jumping got in trending that's when Adriana said
A- Mom Dad can i please go to a school of horse jumping?
D & M- why not
Adriana was very happy about it she went to several classes then the teacher told Adriana if she had a horse to which Adriana told her that she had little did she know it was going to be a mistake leaving Chaplin in the hands of that school if she knew what would happen she would have never taken him there well lets not spoil a lot
A-so you are telling me that Chaplin can jump?
T- yes sweetie in fact you should bring him over because there will be lots of competitions!
A-i should ask my parents first

After that class Adriana went home and told her parents about it they told Adriana that maybe it would be dangerous because Chaplin was very sensitive to the sun and mosquitoes Adriana kept begging them until they finally agreed
The day of the competition arrived there were a lot of people there Adriana was very nervous and totally forgot to do a little of jumps because Chaplin wasn't 100% trained for horse jumping but there they were the microphone sounded
J- Chaplin & Adriana please step to the track
There she was Adriana and Chaplin Chaplin was wearing a blue with wine red set Chaplin looked very pretty Adriana was jumping 45 cm which was a lot for Chaplin since he wasn't that much trained Adriana lifted her hand to let know the judges to start the ring sounded she was jumping pretty well until a jump Chaplin refused to jump it she then made a turn and refused again Adriana started frustrating with that she squeezed her tights to let know Chaplin that he shouldn't be refusing Chaplin finally jumped after that the rest of the course went smoothly at the end she got a little mad at Chaplin for refusing her mother then went and told her that she shouldn't be upset by such thing that it was the first competition for both of them rather all that trouble Adriana got in 4th place she was then very happy she trained a lot with chaplin he could now jump 1m and tracks of 60-70cm they both had worked hard after a lot there was a very important competition in another city they went Adriana was nervous because it was their first time out of town she was also very excited about the competition and more because Chaplin and her where very prepared the day arrived Adriana was very nervous but she tried to calm down she went towards Chaplin and started talking to him
A- Chaplin today is the day we can do this "she said hyping up the horse"
The horse let out an excited neigh that's when Adriana knew that they were ready for that competitors were passing and Adriana wished them all luck but then
A-good luck Louis!
L- Hah "he baffled" i dont need luck he said in a very mocking tone that made Adriana angry
A-well then go on it's your turn
Louis went on to the track in 10-15 minutes he returned
A-how did it go?
L-this dumb horse threw 2 crosses now i wont win "he said mad"
A- just remember this the world is a mirror if you give the world a bad face it will return a bad face to you
Louis rolled his eyes and left
It was finally Adriana and Chaplins turn she hopped on and went onto the training track she jumped a few jumps after that the trainer told her to breathe deeply and that she would do a great job Adriana smiled and petted Chaplin they entered the track she started trotting and visualizing the track that she was about to pass when she felt ready she lifted her hand the buzzer sounded she started galloping
First jump....... Chaplin jumped it pretty smothly it happened the same with all the obstacles until they reached a sky blue one Chaplin almost didn't clear the jump so Adriana gave him a little help making him do a rabbit like jump she felt relieved when she saw that they didn't do any mistakes the judge then said
J-Adriana & Chaplin total 2 minutes and 30 seconds with 0 penalty's she felt relieved and very happy with the result they left the track and Adriana went on and gave him lots of pets they kept training a lot months passed and another competition was taking place its just that it took place where Adriana and Chaplin were Sinaloa the teacher told Adriana that she would jump 60cm and after 75cm she got nervous she nor Chaplin had made any of those track neither with such big heights they trained after some weeks the day came she was more nervous than normally because her godmother was there she came all the way from Los Angeles to see her so she didn't want to disappoint her so she proceeded to go with Chaplin petted him and got on her mom went over and said
M- you need to walk him a little bit
A-i dont need to do that "big mistake"
She went on the track made a few jumps and went straight to the track she didn't even smell or get familiar with the jumos she went straight ahead lifted her hand and buzzer sounded the adrenaline she had was a lot which caused Chaplin to go faster than he should go making one jump fall she started to get angry then Chaplin refused again in the same jump he failed the first time she got really mad and kept the track she had lost control of Chaplin he was going way to quick it was a total disaster she finished the track she was disappointed all she hoped was that in the 75cm track she hoped that it went better

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