chapter 4

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When Adriana realized this she felt horrible she ruined years of bonding for a stupid contest but it was to late she couldn't revert time she felt bad but couldn't do anything about it so she tried building up the bond again hoping that they had what they once where she would visit Chaplin everyday she would bring him treats and each time there was practice she would come an hour early to groom him and give him a little walk before doing jumps Chaplin had developed a fear for the jumps because of what happened the last competition after a lot of hard work they managed to get that bond back but then there was a real bad hurricane Adriana couldn't visit Chaplin for almost an entire week she was very anxious because she hadn't seen Chaplin for a week she would always think what if he's scared or what if something happened at the stables the week passed Adriana went back to the stables but this time Adriana's dad was there when they arrived they were completely horrorised the stables smelt horrible they asked the people at the ranch and they said
X-oh nothing happened dont worry
Adriana and her dad went over to chaplin stable Adriana's eyes opened widely she was shocked chaplins stable was full of his poop there were chaplins piss they hadn't cleaned Chaplins stable and if they hadn't gone there Chaplin would've died because of a virus or something they also saw that Chaplins tail was ripped off as well as his mane he had a lot of cuts in his neck bruises some of them were still bloody Adriana's dad said to the helpers at the ranch
A- What is the meaning of this?!
X-its not our fault it's Adriana's fault
Adriana couldn't believe what she just heard they were blaming her about something she wasn't even aware of
A-w-what? But I didn't do anything
X- Exactly! She didn't bring shampoo for Chaplin and for the Stable its not piss or poop its just the water of the hurricane
Adriana was really pissed of not to mention her dad she could see how angry he was
*the horse below is a real life photo of Chaplin in the photo he was in recovery he was way worse than that where his is in the photo is not the ranch were he was in the story this is were he was healing another ranch*

Adrianas dad was angry A- but you never told me anything if you maybe had told me I would've gladly come and give you what you wanted X-well we did tell you 3 weeks agoThe helper was lying they never told Adriana a single thingAdriana was pissed o...

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Adrianas dad was angry
A- but you never told me anything if you maybe had told me I would've gladly come and give you what you wanted
X-well we did tell you 3 weeks ago
The helper was lying they never told Adriana a single thing
Adriana was pissed of with the helpers they were only telling her dad lies so that they wouldn't get in trouble Adriana's dad scolded her
D-this is why you wanted a horse look at him his state is horrible
A-dad is swear he wasn't like this a week ago
D- i dont want your excuses your warned this horse will leave this ranch
Adriana was sad but she wasn't sad that Chaplin would leave the ranch she was sad of what she did to Chaplin but she was really mad with the workers there she couldn't believe what they had said about her they made it sound like she didn't care about Chaplin at all she was really mad how could they say such things about her !
After a few weeks they finally went on and took Chaplin out of that hell of a ranch Chaplin looked worse than before he was skinny his tail was all ripped he had bruises all over his body he was scared of even going on to the trailer that's when Adriana's teacher grabbed a whip and started forcing Chaplin to the trailer Adriana couldn't believe her eyes the kind sweet person she once had the confidence to let Chaplin train with her was no more or less of something horrible that pained Adriana's heart days passed since they took Chaplin out of that place Adriana finally went to visit him she felt a sharp pain in her chest when she saw her horse she then went on to hug him and started whispering
A- im sorry im sorry im so sorry i Dont deserve you at all
She said while trying to hold her tears back
The horse seemed to understand Chaplin pushed Adriana closer to him with his neck he knew that it wasn't her fault and he tried to show it
Adriana felt at ease when the horse did that they stayed like that for a while after that everyday after school Adriana went to go give him pets brush him and even taking him on walks since he wasn't in a condition to ride him she did this for around 3 weeks after a lot of rest the vets told her that she could finally ride Chaplin again she was extremely happy to hear this but she decided to do it without the saddle she wanted to ride Chaplin without the saddle so they just put the bridle on Chaplin and Adriana hopped on she was really happy to be able to ride Chaplin again they went on a walk
This is a photo taken on that day

Adrianas dad was angry A- but you never told me anything if you maybe had told me I would've gladly come and give you what you wanted X-well we did tell you 3 weeks agoThe helper was lying they never told Adriana a single thingAdriana was pissed o...

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Adriana was very happy when she got off Chaplin she recorded a video
In the video she hugged Chaplin

making it clear how strong their bond was she was really happy with him he couldn't have asked anything more in this life

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making it clear how strong their bond was she was really happy with him he couldn't have asked anything more in this life

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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