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"Fix your tie idiot"Ethan says.

I glare at him as he walks over.Today was the day of the funeral and Anais was running late.

I frown and push my tie tighter."Where's that girlfriend of yours?"."I don't know"I state.

"You don't want to call her?Make sure she's coming".

"If she forgot then maybe it was what I thought it was"I state.

"I think you're blowing this out of proportion.Maybe she is busy and-"."-Don't make excuses for her".

Mom walks and sighs."I am not holding the family members and the priest longer.We need to start".

I nod my head and Ethan puts his arm around me as we walk in the chcurch.

I sit down at the front and look down at my phone to see nothing.No hey I'm going to be late.

No hey I know I promised you I was going to be there but I'm not going.
No something came up.


I slowly watch the priest make his way to the podium and sigh.
One hour:Nothing
Two hours :Not shit.
Three hours we were on our way to sight
Four hours:Another service and we watched the casket get lowered
30 minutes later I told my brother and mom I would see them at my house while I stare into the grave.

I stayed there for another thirty before walking to my car when a black Jeep flies beside me and stops.


I don't even look behind as I clench my teeth."Cole!".

I continue my walk to the car when I feel her grab my hand.I jerk her away and turn around.

"One thing"I say coldly.

She freezes and I glare at her."I asked you for one thing.I don't ask people for things Anais! Because they just disappoint.And disappoint and DISAPPOINT!"I yell.

She winces and I clench my teeth."Just come to the funeral with me.Be by my side.Be my moral support".

"I can-"."-Can you!?!?The funeral is over Anais.So tell me.Whats so fucking important you missed it?".

She opens her mouth and nothing comes out.I nod my head and say"Right".

"You don't get to do that"She calls out.

I pause and slowly turn around."What?".

"You don't get to play the 'Wrong is wrong card with me.I didn't miss it because I wanted to.I had every intention of being there for you today".

"And why did you?".

She freezes and says "Its.its complicated".

I chuckle softly and say "Im reallyyy sick of complicated,Anais".

I walk over to my car and open the door."Your sister".

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