Chapter 1

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A knife flies over Zayden's head, missing it by a centimeter at most. He ducks, reaching behind him for an arrow, and wraps his fingers around it. Pulling it out of his sheathe, he notches it on his bowstring and turns. He faces a boy, about his age, with a knife in one hand and a pistol in another. I thought people only did that in Call of Duty, he thinks as The boy charges at him. He tugs back on the bowstring, letting an arrow fly. Quickly, he reaches into his sheathe again, notching another on his bow, releasing that arrow, too.
Both arrows miss.
And the boy is suddenly on top of Zayden.
"Oh, were you trained at all?" He chuckles. The boy presses his knife to Zayden's forehead, cutting a shallow gash across it.
"You're gonna die today, boy," he says, moving the knife to Zayden's throat.
Then, out of nowhere, the boy coughs up blood onto Zayden's face. He falls on top of Zayden, his knife clattering to the ground. Zayden looks up and sees a girl standing over him, a blade in her hand, tinted crimson with blood. She's tying her hair into a ponytail and her green eyes are focused, calculating.
Pushing the boy's corpse off of him and standing up, Zayden speaks. "I could've dealt with that myself," he says. "I didn't need anyone's help."
The girl smiles, her eyes looking warm now instead of focused.
"Sure, kid. Just be lucky I showed up when I did, or you'd be the corpse right about now," she says. "I'm Lexi. You are?"
"I'm Zayden," he says, his voice shaky. Then the realization sets in. Did someone really just try to kill him? He knew there would be danger when he signed up, but he didn't know there'd be this much. The world starts spinning and he starts to feel queasy. "I almost just died..."
Then he collapses, and darkness engulfs him.

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