Chapter Nine: Gone.

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Victoria was in tears. I found a note on the table it was pretty creepy.

Dear Victoria,
I told you to bring me my money. You want your friends back bring me my money or else I slit there throats. Meet me in a dark ally closest to your house. Bring no one but yourself.
- Unknown
What does this person mean? I went up to her she was in tears.
" who is this person what does he mean what's going on ? " she looked at me and started to calm herself down.
"I can't tell you he'll get you too and I can't have that happen you mean to much to me " she then got up from the floor and grabbed her keys.

"where do you think your going ?" I asked pissed
"to save my friends " and with that she left.

I had to find Vickie and Taylor. First I went to the bank and took out as much money as this person wanted. Then I was driving to a dark alley closest to my house. Great place for a famous teenage girl to be going right ? I drove past an alley and looked in it as I went by there were three people there. There it is. I texted Jack real quick.
V: when the police get there don't tell them about the note
J: okay
I think he's mad at me but oh well. I pulled up in the alley parked my car and got out. I walked in the alley and heard muffled screams sounds like Vickie this brought tears to my eyes. When I got closer I seen Vickie and Taylor tied up with duck tape on there mouths and rope around there hands and feet. They were on there knees against a wall. Then in front of them was a person wearing all black. I couldn't really see the face because of the hood.
" so did you bring my money ?" He asked.
" yes " I took the money out of my pocket.
" is this what you want ? Well you hand over my friends and then I'll give you the money" I said in anger.
" that's not how this works my dear see -"
I cut him off " enough of the bullshit I want my friends or no money !" I said even more pissed.
" okay " he walked over to Vickie took out a knife cut the ropes and pushed her over to me , she got up took the duck tape off her mouth and ran over to me. " get in the car now " I said to her she did as told she was in tears. He then walked over to Taylor cut the ropes and pushed Taylor over to me. Taylor took the duck tape off his mouth and ran to the car. The guy then walked over to me grabbed the money from my hand and punched me in the face. I fell instantly. He then grabbed my hair and punched me repeatedly in the face. Till I drew blood. I tried to punch him back but he was ten times stronger then me. He started kicking my stomach. That's when I couldn't feel anything anymore. I was helpless. Where are Taylor and Vickie? There probably to scared to help. After the guy heard sirens he started running off that's when Vickie and Taylor ran to me and helped me up and put me in the back seat of the car. Taylor searched through my pockets till he found my keys. He got in the car and started it Vickie sat in the back with me my head was in her lap. She was running her hands through my hair. All I remember hearing her say was " I'm so sorry... Then everything went black ......
" she's gonna be okay where gonna bring her back to her house and lay her in her bed. And clean her up. Okay?"
Vickie nodded her head Victoria is out cold on her lap. Why didn't Jack go with her ? That's so messed up dude. Like bro protect a girl. Don't ditch her.
We just got back to her house we brought her inside and up to her room. I ran downstairs grabbed a washcloth with soap and warm water in a cup and ran back up stairs. I put some water in the washcloth and rubbed the soap against it and started cleaning her face.
I just got off the phone with Sam and Nate about Victoria there on there way while I was in the bathroom I heard people come in. Must be Victoria. I walked upstairs to see her limp body on her bed with Taylor cleaning her hands and face while Vickie sat next to her and cried. I walked straight up to Taylor " what the fuck happened man ??!?" He looked at me in anger

"she got beat up bad dude why weren't you with her ? " he was so pissed off

"she said that I couldn't know " I said back he looked at me in disgust

"you never leave girl no matter how much she says no when it comes to her safety you protect her. " he was still pissed he continued on cleaning her hands. I looked at her and walked over to her got on the bed kissed her forehead and whispered " I'm sorry " tears now started to brim my eyes. I feel horrible. I started crying. Taylor looked at me got up and hugged me

"she gonna be okay dude " he said. Well " I'm not " I said and went downstairs when I heard the doorbell. Sammy and Nate are here. I quickly whipped my eyes. Then opened the door. In come Sammy and Nate. "Where is Victoria ?" Sammy asked worried.
"Upstairs " I said. Sammy ran upstairs and Nate followed. I followed both of them. We walked upstairs into her room. Nate just stared at her in shock. Sammy on the other hand is a softy and started crying.
"Is she gonna be okay ?? " Sammy asked his voice cracking.
" yes her pulse is weak but she's gonna be okay " Taylor said.
Nate walked up to her and kissed her cheek. Then went downstairs. Sammy also kissed her cheek and went downstairs. I went with them.
".Why the fuck weren't you with her ?!" Nate asked.
" she told me no , she said that he will get me too and that she can't have that happen I mean to much to her."
" that doesn't mean you leave her alone she could have got killed she could've have been worse you idiot." Sammy said.
I didn't know what else to say. They were both pissed of pacing back and forth until we heard Taylor yell " SHES UP " from upstairs. We all ran upstairs.
Sammy walked in the room and looked really happy. So did Nate. What has gotten into them? She got up off the bed the first thing she said was " are you guys okay ?" She asked everyone.
" yes because your awake " Sammy said. He hugged her she winced in pain and when he pulled back they were staring into each other's eyes. So I broke it up. I pulled her aside and hugged her gently and kissed her forehead Vickie then took her away from me and hugged her while crying "I'm sorry I didn't help I'm so so sorry"
"I'm so happy your okay " I said she looked at me and smiled then went downstairs. Everyone followed.

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