Chapter five: Hospital

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"Victoria "they called to me "Victoria,"All I saw was this big white light shinning in my face. Where am I ? Someone answered my question " heaven " it said but I couldn't see who it was. Wait I'm dead?? That's all I could think about when everything thing went black again.

Victoria is now in the hospital. They are working on her now to see what happened. They won't let me in the room. I was banging on the door crying and screaming " LET ME SEE HER LET ME SEE HER !!!! " security was escorting to the waiting room when I finally got out of there grip and ran into her hospital room. All I seen was her lifeless body laying on the hospital bed before all doctors and security escorted me out again. I started crying more. She looks dead. I just have to hope for the best , but prepare for the worst They set me in the waiting room and all I could do is cry. That's when all the guys entered the hospital waiting room and I ran into Taylor's arms " shhhh baby she's going to be okay I promise she's going to be fine" he said to me. But I knew that wasn't true. All the guys felt bad for me that I was an emotional wreck. They all hugged me one by one and the last one was Carter he held out his arms and hugged me he whispered in my ear batman and gave me a little batman stuffed animal. " thanks Carter " I said and kissed his cheek and sat next to Taylor. Still crying my eyes out. We sat there for hours and hours some of the guys went off to go buy food or something for Victoria. Shawn ,Cameron ,Matthew ,Johnson and me bought something for her.
Johnson : balloons
Matthew : flowers
Cameron: giant teddy bear ( about size of him)
Shawn: chocolate and little teddy bear
Me : her favorite candies and drink (skittles, starburst , mambas , Milky Way and her Carmel frappe from Starbucks ) we all held her stuff until we can actually go and see her.

The rest of the guys got food for all of us. So we can eat too. We all got taco-bell.

she's lucky that I like her I bought her a giant teddy bear the size of me. I don't usually do this for people but it's just for her I guess. Jack keeps eyeballing me. I wonder why it's just weird.....maybe he knows that I like her. But there's nothing he can do about it.

I crying into Taylor's arms when I heard a doctor say friends and family of Victoria Champion? I jumped up and ran up to him and all the guys got up.
The doctor started talking.
"I have good news and bad news, the bad news is she has a concussion she will have to be in bed rest for a few days but the good news is she's awake and you guys can see her she's in room 223. As soon as I heard him say that I ran and scanned all the rooms to find her.

I opened my eyes to see white walls and medical supplies. Great I'm in the hospital. My head hurts a little. Besides that I was fine. I looked at myself. I'm in a hospital gown ew the doctors changed me and seen me naked. Just great. I looked over at the table beside me. My phone sat there I grabbed it and went on Twitter. The number one thing trending on Twitter was #prayforvictoria. Wow I guess people do care about me. As I exited out of my Twitter someone bursted into my room. It's was Vickie. " Victoria !!" She screamed and hugged me she was shaking real bad. " I'm okay I said just calm down and breath" she calmed down a bit and stopped crying. "Your okay " she said all happy. A second later I seen all the guys enter my hospital room with a whole bunch of stuff. Cameron looked at me and said " thank god your okay I bought you this giant teddy bear to make up feel better " I looked at him and said thanks you he came over to me and hugged me . And set the bear on my bed. Next was Johnson he had a whole bunch of balloons " I thought you would like these " he said tying them to a chair. "thanks now give me a hug " I said he came over to me and gave me a hug I kissed his cheek. He blushed I laughed. Matthew said "here are some flowers " putting them into a vase. "Thanks "I said as he gave me a hug. Vickie looked at me and gave me a bag I looked inside it had all my favorite candy and a Carmel frappe in a bottle from Starbucks . "Thanks so much I love you so much " I screamed she laughed and hugged me. Shawn came up to me last and gave me chocolate and a little teddy bear. It was so cute " thanks so much Shawn " I gave him a hug I seen gilinsky out of the corner of my eye walk up to my bed and say "I hope you feel better" and hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek the whole room was filled with aw's and ohh's from everyone but Cameron and Johnson. I swear I have the greatest friends ever. I looked over at Nash and started yelling "YOU GOT A BAE OR NAH IS YOU TRYING TO DATE OR NAH !! " He yelled with me and everyone just laughed. It's better to start to get to know everyone better. After a few minutes the doctor came in and said that I would be In the hospital for a few more days. He said that my injury seemed like it was on purpose but there was only a bruise and some blood on the back of my head. He told me I died at one point. That's probably when I was in ... Heaven.... ? Okay when he exited the room I started talking to Jack Gilinsky of course. " I remember dying " I said to him he looked shocked. "Really " he asked " yes I remember being in heaven someone told me that I was in heaven "
" Oh shit " Jack said he told Johnson
"Was it peaceful ?" Johnson asked
"Yea it was " I said looking at both jacks. " wow "they both said in sync and laughed. It was around 6:30 and a lot of the guys decided to go home to get ready for tomorrow. The only people left in the hospital were me the jacks, Shawn, and Vickie. They decided to spend the night here with me. I'm lucky to have Vickie by my side if it wasn't for her I would probably be completely dead.

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