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You absolutely hated school, honestly who didn't? Well, it's not like you hate it that much because you need school so you can get a good job. You don't really want to be working your whole damn life though...

You were alright in all your classes but math was always beating your ass, it's not that you were failing necessarily but you were close to it. Why were there more letters than words? You wished your teacher was more strict so then you'd actually pay attention and learn. You WERE supposed to be doing your overdue homework but...reading Chainsaw Man was more appealing! You needed some music as well too! You adjusted your bed position and hopped on your favorite illegal website, though maybe you should've worked on your assignments instead...

You wiped your tears and sniffled, you were rereading chapter 78...when such a fine-ass man was taken from the world too early!! Makima your biggest op fr and the fucking author too! The amount of pain that he has caused you, the way he would make likable characters and THEN KILL THE OFF!! Like what was his problem? WHO HURT THAT MAN?!

Your family probably thought you were weird too, they could definitely hear you when you're tweaking out over a manga or anime scene. They don't understand you...💔

You scrolled down on your iPad, YES YOU ARE A PROUD IPAD KID!! Anyways, you look at the time and it's 4 am...you wake up in 2 hours. Well, looks like you're gonna have to be a big girl and drink some bitter-ass coffee!! You can't believe your parents let you drink coffee but not energy drinks, make it make sense!!

Anyway, you turned off your iPad and plugged in your phone but you had to fight the damn outlet because it's a slut and loose as shit. The second you found a comfortable sleeping position, you passed out.

You groaned as you turned away from the irritating sunlight and snuggled deeper into your blankets. Was it always this bright in your room? You tried to go back to sleep, but you were having trouble doing so. You really didn't want to be awake right now. Not only did you have to be extra careful when you went to the bathroom so as not to wake anyone up, but the thought of getting up was just unbearable.

Just as you were getting more comfortable, there was a loud knock on your door. You could feel your heart DROP to your ass, you don't know why but every time you hear a knock it scares you. You were gonna ignore it but none of your family members were getting up and opening the door.

I know my mom said to not open the door but...

You just couldn't handle the loud ass banging okay?! You got out of your bed and put on the first sweater you found since you weren't wearing a bra, it looked like you were just wearing a shirt.  The banging on the door got louder and angrier making you second-guess opening the door. Now, that you weren't rushing to put that damn sweater on, you got a good look at your room.

Did you accidentally eat some of those special brownies? Your room didn't look anything like this – it resembled a Japanese room, and you were sleeping on a futon without even realizing it! With so many questions racing through your mind, the loud knocking on the door only added to the confusion. Despite all the uncertainty, the urge to open that door was overpowering.

You approached the door, trying to find the peephole, but to your surprise, there wasn't one. With hesitation, you cracked the door open slightly to peek outside, only to have it forcefully swung open by the person on the other side. The sudden movement caused the door to slam against the wall, startling you. As you looked at the person who had carelessly handled your door, you were left speechless...

Aki...? From Chainsaw Man?!

There he was with that ponytail that defied gravity, those pretty blue eyes, a tidy suit, and his piercings. You've seen some realistic fan art of Aki but actually SEEING him up close was mesmerizing. However, your admiration was abruptly interrupted when you noticed the intense, angry glare he was directing at you. Why was he looking at you with such hostility?

[Aki thinks you're a lazy slob.]
[-10 love points.]

"We're already running late and you're not even dressed?" He scoffed, he couldn't believe you. "It's your first day on the job, if you're not going to take it seriously then quit."

His voice dripped with venom and annoyance, though you felt bad even if you weren't really at fault, you were more focused on that status update thing. You'd have to question that later since Aki was clearly waiting for your reply.

"I'm sorry, I overslept and-"

He interrupted. "Go change instead of apologizing. We'll be lucky if we can catch the next bus."

[Aki wants you to hurry up and change.]
[-3 love points]

You rushed back to your room, almost tripping on the way. You found your Devil Hunter suit on the floor; it was slightly wrinkled, but thankfully no stains. Aki would probably hate you even more if your uniform was. You found your work shoes and put them on. The most you could do with your hair was brush it. You rushed outside, and Aki was there waiting, his face still stained with an angry look. All you could do was give him a small, awkward smile which he seemed to hate even more.

Well...looks like I'm screwed.

The two of you walked to the bus stop, the walk was silent like the car ride home after you get in trouble type of silent. You didn't mind it since you got to look at the stores and big buildings, everything was very close together though. You were still shocked at everything that had happened so far, everything felt so surreal, and you were still unsure if you were dreaming or if this was real life.

You and Aki thankfully made it to the bus stop, you two waited your turn patiently but as the line was getting shorter, you realized that you did not have any money for the bus ride. Aki wouldn't leave you, right? He couldn't possibly make you walk all the way to work when you don't even know where it is, right...?

You tapped Aki on the shoulder. "I don't have money for the bus ride..."

[Aki thinks you're worse than Denji.]
[-5 love points]

you have -18/50 love points, if you keep going into the negatives, Aki will turn into an enemy.

Fuck, today is gonna be a long day...

ᴡᴀs ɪᴛ ᴀ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ? (CSM x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now