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Thankfully, Aki did NOT make you walk to work. He paid for your ticket but he was still irritated nonetheless, you decided that talking to him would just make your situation worse. The bus ride was silent but unlike the walk, you couldn't properly admire the city. Now that you weren't rushing to get to your job, you had time to think about the "Status Update" screen. You were certain that you've been reincarnated into Chainsaw Man, you have read enough villainess manga to know that. You don't know how to get back home, you don't even know how to fight so why were you a Devil Hunter?

Wait...am I a fiend?

It made sense! That would be the most logical reason why Aki doesn't like you, like at ALL. He HATES devils, fiends are the same in his eyes, so that must be why he has so much animosity toward you. Were you supposed to make him
fall in love with you? Was that your ticket home? Or did you have to make sure Aki stayed alive too? Did you have to defeat Makima?

You weren't sure. The uncertainty of everything was making you worry, sure it would be fun to meet all the characters but you have a very high risk of dying, Makima is a scary person and devils are too. Your biggest threat is Makima though, she could easily control you and then you'd have no way home. That thought scared you more than you wanted it to. You know you're not capable of beating Makima and you don't even know what fiend you are.

The bus stopped and Aki stood up from his seat, you followed behind him. The two of you made it to work, hopefully nothing bad will happen to you. You wondered what part of the story were you in, Aki had already met Denji, so were you at the beginning of the gun fragment arc? You still wanted to know what kind of fiend were you...

I hope I'm overpowered...

It would make everything easier! You two arrived at the Devil Hunters building, and both of you stepped onto the elevator, the fear of meeting Makima was getting to you. Was she going to find out that it wasn't you?  You just took over their Y/N's life overnight, they would notice, right? The elevator door opened and you followed Aki, after walking down the hallway for a while he knocked on the door.

"Come in." A soft voice said. It was muffled but her voice was the same as you remembered, soft and deceiving.

Aki opened the door and walked in, you followed suit. There Makima was, sitting on her chair. Her unique yellow eyes captivating you and her red hair added to her charm. When the two of you made eye contact, a sharp and cold sensation ran across your body and everything came flooding back to you.

"I can either kill you or take you in as a pet. Which do you prefer?"

That sentence echoed throughout your mind, Makima took you in like Denji. She found you all bloody near human bodies, you were exhausted. Was it from killing them or from trying to protect them? You don't know, you only got a glimpse of this world's Y/N's memories. It seemed like Makima didn't make you have a contract with her though. Or maybe she did but was it nullified because a different soul or you guess person took over the original contractor?

You could worry about that later, you needed to pay attention to the conversation right now. You mostly stayed silent since you didn't want Aki to get even more mad at you.

"You two will be patrolling together," Makima said as she fixed her stack of papers. "Y/N, try not to go out of control again."

What...? Have I patrolled before? Or like did I tweak out when she found me?

"I'll try my best...?" You promised even though you had no idea what she meant. Well, not like you can really ask anyway.

To say you were nervous was an understatement, you were not prepared to face any sort of devil at all. You had a simple dagger and gun, you had zero clue on how to use them though. You and Aki didn't talk as much as you'd like either, you needed to get on his good side.

How did Denji do it? He just speaks his mind but Aki already doesn't like me...

Before you could make any small talk, Aki's little walkie-talkie went off. Apparently, there was a fiend in some abandoned warehouse that needed to be killed. The two of you hurriedly walked to the warehouse, you were preparing yourself for the worst. There were already police surrounding the warehouse, it kind of reminded you of criminal minds...

"So, what kind of fiend is it?" You asked in a hushed voice. You didn't want the fiend to know you guys were inside even though it could probably hear the cops outside.

"Why are you whispering?" Aki asked as he looked back at you. Both of your footsteps came to a halt as the two of you looked at each other.

"Are we not going to do a surprise attack...?" You asked confused. You don't know much about fighting but you think it's a good plan! "Anyway, what fiend is it?"

[Aki thinks you're not as dumb as he thought you'd be but he would never tell you that.]
[+5 love points.]

"It's the Ant fiend, it's not that strong so we don't need a plan," Aki replied and continued walking, you followed behind him.

Ant fiend? Are people actually scared of ants?

You don't like ants but you've never been SCARED of them, you hate the way they feel on your skin when they're crawling all over you. As the two of you got closer to the office area of the warehouse, a foul-smelling odor was filling your nostrils and you weren't the only one smelling it. It reminded you of those musty-ass kids from middle school who never put on deodorant and then put on the most ungodly amount of Axe body spray.

Like P.U. onion boy-

"It's probably in there. Go kill it." Aki ordered but it was hard to take him seriously when his face had a grossed-out look. "Show me your powers so I can see how useful you are."

Didn't he say that to Denji? IM COOKED I DONT KNOW HOW TO FIGHT!

You walked to the office door, scared out of your mind. You touched the cold doorknob, you could feel Aki watching your every move. How much longer could you stall? You need to come up with an excuse-

[Would you like to put auto mode on?]

You've never been happier to see a game menu pop up. You discretely tapped yes and immediately it felt like you were having an out-of-body experience. You could see yourself opening the door, a bloody man with a rat in his mouth froze and looked at you. It had those ant choppers and the antennas too. You saw yourself pull out your dagger and cut yourself?!

Um, double u tee f?!

Surprisingly, you didn't feel the pain of your skin being hurt. You watched as you transformed into your devil form, you had sharp needle-like blades coming out from your arms and back, your face was now littered with multiple scars and
and needles stuck in you, and you also had sharp chains dangling from your arms. The fiend ditched the rat and ran at you.

"You fucking devil hunters!" He exasperated. "I'll kill all of you, every single one-"

Before he could finish his threat, you saw yourself dodge and throw a needle at it from your face, not even a second later it was on the floor, screaming and crying out in pain, the needle still ebbed in his leg. After a while, the fiend stopped moving and you were let back into your body. You transformed back into your human form and looked at Aki but your vision blurred and you were suddenly on the floor. The last thing you saw was that damn game menu.

[Aki thinks that your abilities are useful.]
[+10 love points.]

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