The Note.

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When Daniel opens his locker it's right there. Sitting on top of his pile of library books, that he swears he's going to return soon, like it's always been there.

It hasn't.

It's a lined sheet of paper, looks like it's been ripped out of a school book. It's been folded just once down the middle and his name is written in loopy handwriting on the front.

Not that it would ever be a boy but Daniel can tell by the handwriting that it's a girl. By the way she loops her Ls.

Daniel tucks the note into the pocket of his hoodie and grabs his math book. He's going to be late.

He's shuffling down the hallway with his head down, along with every other student who's just trying to make it through the day without being disturbed by Johnny and his goons.

Unfortunately for Daniel, today, just like most other days, is not his day. Dutch knocks into his shoulder and his books fall to the ground.

And then, just as Daniel is leaning over to collect them, someone else grabs them. Someone with pale, slender fingers and an annoyed groan.

"Cmon Dutch" Johnny stands and hands the books back to Daniel "Leave him alone. We're all going to be late otherwise"

Daniel grabs the books and Johnnys fingers brush against his for a short moment. It's weird, the shock it sends through Daniel.

"Thanks" He mutters, making eye contact with Johnny for a split second before looking back down at the floor.

"John let's go. What the fuck man?" Dutch wacks Johnny over the head and the rest of them laugh as they run off.

Johnny looks back once and smiles before turning back and shaking his head. Daniel feels dizzy. What the fuck just happened?

"Daniel?" Ali comes up to him, a concerned look on her face "what was that all about?"

"I-" Daniel looks back to where Johnny and his friends just were "have no clue. Johnny was being... nice?"

Ali rolls her eyes "yes, Daniel, that is something Johnny can be. It's not uncommon"

"Ali, you know how Johnny can be. Stop sticking up for him" Susan gives her friend a look that makes Ali sigh.

"Yeah I guess but still. He can be nice, sometimes" Ali bites her lower lip and then shrugs "whatever. We're going to be late for math if we don't go now. And Daniel if you're late again, you're getting a detention"

"Mrs Smith will give me a detention if I breathe the wrong way. She hates me" Daniel groans but makes his way to his class anyway

"That's because she's in love with Johnny" Barbs hugs her books closer to her chest, as though they alone can protect her from the plights of high school.

"This whole school worships him like some God" Daniel sighs "If you're on the wrong side of him, you're on the wrong side of the school"

"He looks like a God" Susan points out, very helpfully. Daniel grumbles something about needing to find different friends.


"Daniel Larusso. That's your third late this week. Detention for you after school. And if you're late one more time, I will have to call your mother" Mrs Smith scolds

Daniel looks at Ali, who's about to stand up for him, and shakes his head, mouthing 'just leave it'. He takes the detention slip from the teacher and takes a seat at the back of the class.

"Someone's gotta tell another teacher that she's totally favouring students" Ali huffs, sitting down next to him.

"No one's going to believe us. But even if they did, they wouldn't do anything about it" Susan leans over Barbs desk to whisper to them.

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