The Pool.

415 14 15

It's Friday before the next note gets there, this time it's crumpled and the hand writing is messy, as if she didn't have the time to do it properly.

Daniel grabs it carefully, checks his surroundings and then unfolds it. He can't wait this time.

You are the smartest person I know. I love your mind.

Choosing between all the other notes, this one is most definitely Daniel's favourite. Complimenting the way he looks is one thing, but calling him smart makes Daniel feel... smart?

Suddenly someone's holding on to his shoulders and peeking over to see the note. Long, slender fingers dig into his skin and Daniel shrugs them away "leave it, Johnny"

"Cmon Danny, tell me all about your secret admirer" Johnny grins, apparently he thinks one conversation is all it takes to main them the best of friends. Daniel disagrees.

"I told you to leave it. We're not friends" Daniel spins around and pushes Johnny away.

Johnny stumbles and frowns but doesn't say anything. He looks as though Daniel's just punched him.

"Just piss off, man" Daniel rolls his eyes as he slams his locker shut and walks off. Johnny doesn't follow.

"Danielle" Dutch comes sauntering over "are you going to wear a dress for the prom?"

Daniel frowns "what are you talking about?"

Dutch laughs and looks around at his friends, or followers is probably the better word, as if that's the funniest thing he's heard all day. Considering his humour it very well might be.

"Wow Dutch. I'm surprised your limited knowledge let you remember something as tedious as prom. Tedious means long or boring, like whenever you speak for too long" Daniel retorts, wondering if it would be so terrible to actually punch him.

Johnny grins at him and Daniel shakes his head. Dutch looks around, again, though this time embarrassed. Daniel has never felt so much hatred for one single person.

"No loitering!" A teacher Daniel has not yet had the pleasure of meeting tsks at them, though she takes her extra long time looking at Johnny, must be an English teacher, "Come along now students. Off to class"

"You got lucky, Danielle. Next time you probably wont" Dutch sneers at him, Daniel thinks he might be handsome was he not so ugly.

"Yeah whatever, Dutch" Daniel rolls his eyes again, he fears they might get stuck at the back of his head forever if he stays at this school much longer.


"It's like this" Barbs clears her throat, she's standing, her arms thrown towards the sky, she's practicing for the schools show, they're doing Romeo and Juliet "O sweet Juliet, Thy beauty hath made me effeminate
And in my temper softened valor's steel!"

Daniel laughs and Barbs shoots him a dirty look "Just try it. You would be the perfect Romeo!"

"Barbs cmon I can't act to save my life" Daniel shrugs, she wants him to be Romeo so that Ali will try out for the show as well.

"Please Daniel. Just try it once" Barbs pouts and Daniel, though not without a groan, stands up.

"O sweet Juliet, thy beauty hath made me effeminate and in my temper softened valor's steel!" Daniel reads the lines in a bored tone, Ali laughs

"Oh Barbs you are so right! Daniel you have to be Romeo! The feeling in your voice" Ali grins, her eyes shining.

"Susan please help me convince him to try!" Barbs drops to her knees in front of Susan and grabs her hands, pleading with her.

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