Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten - I need to improve my luck!


Today, Harry was rightfully recognized as the Gryffindor seeker, and little Draco, not holding back his envy, went over to tease him.

As they agreed to duel, I remembered that they would soon meet Hagrid's sweet dog, I was curious if the dog would look the same as in the movies or even scarier.

Because I was partially around when Draco was teasing, I also received a look of contempt and mockery. Little Draco was very young and immature.

Once he was gone, I joined the conversation while Hermione lectured them about the rules they would break.

After a series of reproaches, she got up and left in a huff, for my part, I just told them good luck and to be careful, which caused them a bit of joy as they didn't get any more reproaches.

Even though I'm so curious to see the three-headed dog, I don't want to risk being eaten, they won't be hurt because they are important characters, but me? I'm just a character that shouldn't exist.

As night fell I prepared to go to sleep, then I was shaken and cruelly pulled from my sweet sleep by a little witch with tousled hair.

- "Elizabeth wake up, come on we must stop the boys, they will surely try to go to their ridiculous duel soon."

- "Hermione! Go to sleep, are you planning on using your body as a wall to keep them out? Let them go, it will be their points they deduct."

- "But we've worked so hard to earn points, and they just go and ruin it, how can we stand it? Come on, help me stop them."

So I was dragged away from my sweet bed by Hermione, a while after waiting in the common room, we heard the boys come downstairs.

- "Aghh, you've come to stop us too, Elizabeth?"

- "Not exactly, Ron, you could say I'm a victim of your decisions."

As I predicted we couldn't stop them and as Hermione was dragging me we stood outside the common room, knowing what awaited us I tried to calm down, as Hermione reneged.

Arriving in the hall and waiting for a long time, as planned Draco didn't arrive instead it was Mrs. Norris and Filch arrived, so we ran quickly, we went through many corridors and arrived at a closed-door Hermione opened the door with a spell and we entered immediately. Instinctively I turned and saw a large silhouette watching us, it still showed no hostility, and for my part, I moved as little as possible, the boys sighed once Filch was gone, and Hermione cast a spell to see, there the big, furry, drooling Fluffy heads were illuminated, with their attention on us, and the recent illumination took a few seconds to adjust.

- "Guys, open the door immediately, don't shout, or you'll unsettle him, or you'd better not turn around, or he'll attack us."

Unfortunately, whenever you hear a warning you are likely to ignore it and do the opposite, they turned around quizzically and the movement made the dog growl at us, the boys shouted, awkwardly opened the door and with great effort, we closed it. They argued a bit, about the dog, but due to all the hustle and bustle of the day we quickly left and with weak legs we ran back to the common room, luckily the fat lady was already in her painting, and we went to bed.

Over the next few days, they discussed the dog and how suspicious it was that it was there, and due to Hermione's good observation of the trap door, it was guarding they began to link the vault we visited with Hagrid and the strange object that had gone missing at Gringotts.

I was reincarnated as the hated daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange.  [Edited]Where stories live. Discover now