Chapter 13. Party Time

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This chapter takes place after chapter 12.


Solar's perspective:

Solar gains a large smile on his face and also enters the map room, which is definitely too small for a full party to go on inside of it.

"Monty why did you cram everything into here-?"
Ruin looks around the room, then turns to Monty, everyone barely has room to lift up their hands.

"Well, Captain, last time I did the party on the whole deck, you said, and I qoute, 'This is a waste of space', and continued to start cleaning everything up after a minute."
Monty uses air quotes, while quoting Ruin from the past.

"... Fair."

"Can I take a cookie-?"
Solar has been eyeing the cookies, during crew lunch nobody really eats sweets, or takes them out, and Solar has always have a small sweet tooth.

Ruin picks up a cookie, and hands it to Solar, avoiding eye contact, seemingly not trying to blush.

Solar happily takes the cookie, and starts to eat it.


Wait- this is awkward- everyone's just standing around a table and plate of cookies- why am I the only one eating them- am I not supposed to-?!

As Solar panic's to himself, he hears Ruin chuckle, and then is quickly met with a confetti popper going at his face, which is quickly met with everyone else brusting into a light laugh.

Solar starts to struggle to wipe off all the confetti off his clothes and out of his hair.

Monty cheer's, followed by more confetti being shot in his face by the others.

Solar trys to block the confetti, though fails.

"Did you not read what was on the cookie?"
Ruin holds up a new cookie up to Solar.

Solar looks at the icing text, which reads,'confetti attack!'.


"You should inspect your food before eating it you'know-"

"Hmp. I trusted all of you."

"At least you didn't go through flour and water."
Gemini nudges Lunar with their elbow, who's standing on a medium sized box to be able to see above the tall table, Lunar shivers in response.


"Every time someone makes some sort of dessert, you are gonna have the chance to get something thrown at you if your the first to eat it."
Ruin picks out a couple confetti pecies from Solar's hair, putting them onto the table.

"Hmp. Well I didn't know that."

"You think I did?"
Everyone else response's in unison.

"... I guess I can't be too mad- it's still good cookies-!"
Solar takes another bite of the cookie,

Ruin's perspective:

Ruin looks from Solar, then look down.
"Someone give me a drink."

Solar's too cute for me to be sober.

Monty hands Ruin a new bottle of white wine.

Ruin pop's off the cork and starts chugging the bottle.

Lunar starts chanting, waving their arms through the air, quickly followed by Earthz Gemini, Sun(who almost hits Monty in the face), Moon and Monty.

Ruin successfully chugs down the whole bottle, quickly dropping it, and almost collapsing and falls into Solar's arms as someone else graps the bottle before it smashed.

Ruin lays their head on Solar's shoulder, groaning as their head spin's.

"Only a couple minutes in, and their already drunk."
Monty chuckles.

"D-Does this happen often-?"
Solar holds Ruin on their feet.

"Eh, usally not this often, though Captain does drink a lot-"
Monty scratches their head slightly, as Lunar is given a cookie by Gemini.

I'm tipsy- i wanna cuddle-! I wanna cuddle my boyfriend!

i can't cuddle in this room...

Solar immediately blushed up, everyone quickly turning towards the two.

"You two are more sickling sweet then when Lunar and Gemini try to deny-"

Lunar and Gemini quickly stop what they where doing, Gemini freezing up, having been giving Lunar bits of cookies, and Lunar jumps down from his box and starts attacking Monty.


"Y-YEah- RuIn-?"

"i wanna cuddle~"
Ruin starts digging into Solar's shoulder more.

Sun, Moon, and Earth all cover their ears, and close their eyes, though Sun just sits down on the ground, Lunar is still just screaming at Monty, Monty trying to get Lunar off of them, Gemini trying to break the two up.

"You two can go, though take some cookies with you! It took us all like nine hours to make-"
Earth picks up the plate of cookies and starts handing them to Solar, Gemini snatching two for Lunar and placing them onto the table.

"Oh- um- ok- you guys don't want any-?"
Solar struggles to grab the plate.

"... That's only half the bach-"

"W-What then why did I get confettied-?"

"... Cause you eat them baked-"


Solar lifts Ruin up onto his shoulder a bit more, and starts walking out and down to lower deck.

I like being in Solar's arms... He's so cute!


Solar places Ruin onto his bed, currently closing the door.

How'd we get in here- oh well- at least Solar's here!



"Cuddle with me!"
Ruin reaches out their arms, and Solar, takes in a deep breath and goes into Ruin's arm's, who quickly warps around and cuddles into his back.

"Your so cute! hehe-"

"T-Thank you- um-"
Solar has light blush on his face, though also seems kind of scared, shaking slightly in Ruin's arms.

"My dove~ are you ok-?"

"Y-Yeah- I'm just not- um- comfortable around- drunk people- not the best memories-"

"I'm sorry-! should i stop cuddling you?"

"Um- well- can I cuddle you instead-?"


Ruin lets go of Solar, and wobbles infront of him, letting him warp his arm's around them.

Solar just nicely embraces Ruin, seemingly a lot more comfortable then beforehand.

"I love you-!"

"I-I- I love you to Ruin..."
Solar chuckles a bit, letting his hands go through Ruin's nicely styled hair, though it's been extremely unraveled since they haven't been fixed their hair for the last couple days.

"my hairs a mess..."

"Yeah- I think it's kinda cute, you have a lot of little things in your hair though-"

"hmm... seeds- it's seeds..."

"Seads-? Isn't that really hard to do-?"

"i had a lot of time to practice.... I'm... tired..."
Ruin lets out a yawn, and just sprawls against Solar's body, falling asleep.


This chapter was maybe over like a week

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