Chapter 35. Monty's reason

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This chapter takes place after chapter 34, this chapter contains flashbacks.

Trigger warning: depictions/mentions of racism/slavery, and probably some more that my brain can't think of right now before starting the writing process :[.


Monty's perspective:

"You know where Ruin's being taken-? How?!"
Lunar, along with the others look over to Monty, giving her goosebumps.

"Um... It's a long story-"
Monty walks over to where the majority of the maps are, shifting through them all awkwardly.

The map should be... over here....

"Get talking then."
Moon leans his back against the table.

Monty ignores Moon, grabbing a map and slapping it onto the table.
"Nope. Here's the map of the area, I'll help Earth and K.C. bring the ship over, we should have roughly an hour so make sure you think of a good plan, ok?"

"... You're actually not gonna tell us-?"
Gemini looks over confused.

"Am I not allowed to have a secret?"

Sun groans in annoyance.
"You can't tell us a story?!"
Sun looks over to Monty, acting over dramatic.

"You can't tell us why you keep talking about Foxy?"

"... touché..."
Sun angrily puts his head in his hands.

Why did I ever date that-
Monty rubs their head in frustration for a bit.

"Fine. I need to talk about it anyways-"

Sun, and Lunar jump up with their arms in the air, Gemini and Moon both immediately worried that the two could've fallen off their respective chairs.

Monty walks over to his chair, sitting down.
"So... over ten years ago at this point-"

"God you are old-"
Sun stares blankly at Monty.

A somewhat disappointed sigh comes from Monty, a light chuckle from the others.

Monty looks down at the map in front of him, the middle of it holding the map to the kingdom, struggling to try and phrase their words.

Monty takes in a deep breath.
"When I was about five or six years old... I watched... as my parents... died in front of my eyes."

A young Monty picks at cotton as the sun blares from above.

The world around them is loud and irritating, the kingdom had started to celebrate about something, Monty would never find out what though.

A middle aged white man yells in the background, Monty barely able to understand what he says before some random guard grabbed him.

Monty panicky flips their head around, seeing their parents also get grabbed by more guards as the three are forcefully brought over to a large ship outside the kingdom walls.

Monty's parents scream and resist the guards, they manage to escape, and start running to get Monty out of the hold of the guards.

Monty's parents weren't able to get close enough before-

3rd person perspective:

Monty pauses their story, staring at the map of the kingdom, pointing to a spot near the ocean line, sniffing loudly as tears run down their face as they try to word what happens next.

"I- I need- I need a second..."
Monty pulls their hands down below the table, the other's giving them a nod as they wait.

"... T-The next thing that happened... was the man who was... guiding the rest of us... pulled out a gun... and shot two- bullets- right at my ma and pa... and I saw as the light... from their eyes... disappeared... I- I was still dragged onto the boat... um... and then I met a three year old captain at the time."

"... I miss them... I... I wonder- if they'd be proud of me..."
Monty watches as their tears drip onto the table, nobody looking at anyone.

"... I- Why didn't you ever speak about this beforehand-?"
Lunar looks at Monty, his whole body shaking slightly, and holding onto Gemini's hand.

"I... I don't know... It took me over ten years to tell Captain even-"

"How did Captain react-?"
Moon looks at Monty, who keeps looking down.

"Rage... I assume... They didn't really express their emotions a lot- most of the time they'd just sit in a corner rocking back and forth... Though... Seeing that in that shack I saw my parents- murderer- decapitated... I'd say they were really mad..."

"... you think that they killed him-?!"
Gemini stares at Monty.

"... I- I'll tell you more about this- when Captain's back on the boat- this is starting to get more to be- not my place to share..."

"Ok... Are you gonna tell Earth- K.C.- Solar?"

"I- I don't think I'm ready for that- You four were here for much longer compared to the others..."

"Please... Don't tell the others..."

Lunar, Gemini, Moon, Sun, take in a deep breath,
"We promise."


Short chapter today :]

Why? Cause I was struggling to try and extend this-


Bai bai

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