New Towns & New Friends

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         After Mom and Dad got enough money, they thought they should retire and move to some town in the middle of nowhere called "Hiddenville".
         Because moving away from everything we know is SO fun!
         Super school was hard enough with my freak power, I can't imagine what non-supe school will be like, there I'll just be a freak.
         As long as I don't smile, or make a fist, or get too angry, or get overstimulated, or panic, or show off too much strength, etcetera, etcetera, it will probably be fine.
         My parents obviously did not think this through very well.

         Max walked into the kitchen to grab breakfast before school, and his mom gave him a look.

         "You ready for school?" She asked.

         "Yes mom," He said, a little annoyed, "I got everything I need"

         "And you'll remember your breathing exercises?" She questioned.

         "YES Mom," He said really annoyed now, "Stop smothering me"

         "I'm sorry, I just don't want you to make anyone bleed on your first day at school,"  She answered.
        "You send someone the the hospital one time, and no one lets it go, " He muttered.

         Phoebe appeared from behind, "Yea, wouldn't want you biting anyone," She retorted.

         Max snapped his teeth at her and Phoebe rolled her eyes. "Yea, and you'll be super popular, Dweebie," He answered sarcastically while grabbing an apple of the counter. (Author here, no I will not make him eat meat all the time, he may be half wolf, but he is still half apple loving Max)
         He grabbed his backpack off the floor, slid off his chair and headed for the door.

         Max stood outside the school door, trying to come up with witty things to say to future classmates. He took a deep breath and confidently strode into the school, being bombarded by all the new smells and people.
         As he started walking over to where he thought the office was for a schedule, a rocker looking guy with a guitar on his back walked up to him.

          "Hey, I'm Oyster," He said, "you new here?"

         "Uh, Yea, I'm Max, just looking for the office," Max replied, slightly surprised by the random person coming up to him. 'Oh no,did he come over here because I looked scared and freaked out!? Dang it, now I will have a nerdy reputation!' Max thought to himself .

         "Oh, sweeches, I'll show you the way," Oyster replied with a smile, "And don't worry, everyone is a bit nervous on the first day, but you get used to it by second period."

         "Cool, Thanks man" Max smiled, wait he smiled!? Not a smirk!? Fuuuck!

         Oyster looked at him with wide eyes. "You have some narly teeth dude!"

         "I, uh... " His smile quickly fell.

         "Sweeches" Oyster lifted his fist for a fist bump, then Max awkwardly turned it into a high five. He already showed him his teeth, he did not want to explain the claws. He has made too many people bleed by getting too excited while fist bumping someone.
         His smile returned, and as his new friend told him all about  his guitar and how it was practically his girlfriend, he realized he had nothing to worry about. This place may not turn out so bad after all

         *fair warning though, there might be a LITTLE Phoebe and Hank hating on Max later in the story, but only a little bit, it just adds to the story and it's not THAT bad*
        *Also, another side note, I just thought it would be fun to give a different reason behind 'The Smirk' feel free to tell me what you thought*

Max Thunderman - Werewolf (Work In Progress)Where stories live. Discover now