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Before you begin, thank you for getting me to almost 5,000 reads! I never imagined anyone would actually like this and it makes me happier than words could convey that even one person would find my story worth the time. Thank you thank you thank you! <3

Rick, Ardeth, and Jonathan were traversing through the sewers beneath Cairo. The sound of dripping water and sloshing footsteps were the only thing heard between the three of them. The tension was heavy, and so was the smell. Evie and Lidia were currently being held hostage by an immortal priest with a thirst for vengeance, and then they lose Terrence to his self-sacrifice. So much gone in so little time.

Rick couldn't take the silence much longer. Doubt and guilt were rearing its ugly head at him. He needed a distraction, as well as answers. Rick awkwardly cleared his throat before. "So how long have you and my sister been a thing?" He asked Ardeth, who was walking in front of him.

Ardeth glanced back at him before looking ahead. "Your sister's people and my people had an agreement. Sometimes our work required cooperation."

"I don't think that's what he means my friend. I think he's referring to how long you and Lidia have been romantically involved." Jonathan added. He too was curious. In the short amount of time he's known them, he's grown to like the O'Connell twins. 

"I'm not sure I know how to answer your question." Ardeth said honestly. He's never had to ponder his odd relationship with Lidia out loud before. He knew he had strong feelings for her but feared to vocalize them. Both his father and Elder Bey had noticed his lingering glances. Both of them warned that any relation with an outsider that was outside the realm of professional would be impossible. He was expected to take over his father's position when the time came. That included being someone his people looked to for guidance. Having an outsider as a partner didn't quite fit the guidelines that were set for him, but he couldn't deny what his heart wanted.

"Ah, so it's complicated." Jonathan concluded, nodding slowly. He knew a thing or two about complicated relationships (in his mind at least).

"Yes. Our situation is unique. We had to pretend at times to be a couple for missions but somewhere along the way it became something more, something unexpected." Ardeth answered honestly.  

"Do you care about my sister?" Rick wanted to know. He had to know, if he somehow didn't make it through this, someone would be able to save her.

"I care for her more than I should." Ardeth responded. He knew that they came from two different worlds, worlds that shouldn't collide. Nothing much could come from a relationship between a Medjay and an outsider in his people's eyes. If he was going to be a commander, it would be expected of him to marry within the community. He knew this well, but he was finding it harder and harder to care.

"Not to break up a tender moment gents, but how are we going to beat them to Hamunaptra? I'm not sure the girls can wait 3 days."

"I think we should go to the airfield. Winston might be willing to do us the favor of flying us to Hamunaptra." 

"You believe he'd help our cause? Ardeth asked.

"Winston wants danger. He wants to relive his glory days of the war. No better glory than fighting a mummy looking to potentially end the world." Rick responded.

"He may also just be a touch suicidal." Jonathan muttered.

"So, we get a car, get to the airfield, and fly to Hamunaptra." Rick explained. The three continued through the sewers together, hoping that they'll save the girls in the nick of time.

-----Lidia's POV-----

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