Class Registration and Overall Update

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Yo wassup people I don't know! I just did my class registration! Guess what I'm taking next year! A little hint is that it's going to kill me mentally. 

Ok, it's AP US history, AP Chem, AP bio, honors algebra 2, honors Spanish 2, and honors English! This will be really based on my school life. But I stopped doing band because the people in my class weren't very nice. My band director is great! He has a doctorate I think so we have to call him dr instead of mr. I hope whoever reads this will have an easier life in school socially than me. It's not that I'm being bullied or anything. My old friends don't even accept people who have slightly differing view points than them. I use to be so happy hanging out with them but they just started getting really angry at me. I'm afraid of breaking off with them because one of my friends did and they started spreading nasty rumors about her. 

Maybe I'll start another chapter about the toxicity of that friend group. Also there's this really nice guy in my class! No offense to him but he definitely not the pretty boy type. But whatever, I'm not that into looks anyways. He has a lot of the same interests as me and is someone I can be myself around and talk about topics without being judged. I heard from one of my friends that he likes me. Let's name the guy I like... Diego. And the friend that told me Aaron. Of course these aren't their actual names. Aaron is one of our mutual friends but I didn't know that until recently. Truth be told I don't know why Diego likes me. I'm not pretty, I don't wear makeup, I dress like a hobo most of the time. But you know what? He said "I like Hu Tao because she's cute," and then a few days later he was like talking about how nice anime girls with big boobs are and how they're "hot" and said "and you're just cute." Ahhhhhhh I was so flustered and was like so embarrassed. All I could say was something along the lines of "oh um, thank you." It was really quiet and embarrassing. 

I think I like him... I'm never admitting it to my friends when they ask if I have a crush or not. But I think I might. I'm happy to be around him. 

I made sure I would sign up for some of the same classes as him because we're on about the same level of intelligence anyways. He always lets me copy his notes on the textbook reading especially when I'm too lazy to do it. He's better than me at math so he might be skipping another grade or two in math. So we might not have the same math class anymore. I realize that it might be because I'm young that the second someone shows me kindness I will "like" them. But how can I judge someone's character? I never really have friends until a few years ago so I don't really know if a person is a good friend/person. We're also of the same race so we get along with very similar pasts. Stories of our parents' favorite weapons of choice to beat us with when we got something wrong or when we did something bad always were fun. We're Asian if you can't tell. Most Asian stereotypes are based on reality, sometimes exaggerated but still reality. 

Asian parents have the same racist and homophobic views. I know a little rough start in this paragraph.  They said that Muslims and lots of Arabs are violent. I'm friends with a few Muslims. But anyways the truth is that they're partially right. Almost everyday after school they fight, beat each other, all because of some Israeli-Palestinian nonsense. Not that long ago, three people at our school got arrested. It even went viral on Twitter/X and Elon Musk himself commented on it. I'm sure some of you can find it online. My parents also think black people are criminals, most of them at least. It doesn't help that my dads store was robbed three times by a black dude. The man first demanded money and fearing he had a gun, we gave it. Then he breaks our door's glass in the middle of the night and steals again. We had to fix the window and reinforce it with metal bars. The most recent time, he held our family friend at gun point and forced her to give the money. The police have taken little to no action. They're now also under the impression that American boys are so impolite and rambunctious in a bad way. We had a group of young boys go into the bathroom of our restaurant and dump the trash everywhere, clog our toilets with one of those seven eleven drink bottles, then make spit balls and spits it at each other and gets it everywhere and even on a customer. And it's not counted as vandalism because nothing was damaged. It's not even the first time this has happened either! They're still very young so idk if they can be charged. 

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