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With a mischievous wink, he's off me, my hand once more in the crook of his arm as he leads me towards the crowd.

I expel a harsh breath, realizing I just passed a test.

And as I sneak a glance at his profile—at that jawline that seems to have been chiseled in ice—it's to admit to myself that while the people in this room are beautiful, there's no one quite like him.

No one who turns my insides into mush.

Cisco and Yuyu are already deep in conversation with some unknown people, and just as we reach a more populated area, the live orchestra my brother had hired starts playing what I recognize to be Tchaikovsky's fifth symphony.

'Raf? Is that you?' A sweet voice calls, and as we turn around, it's to come face to face with a couple. Black hair, pale face, and startling green eyes, hers is the type of beauty that would have anyone staring. The man next to her gives Raf a tight smile, his expression reserved. Still, with his stature and tanned looks he's not any less attractive than the woman next to him.

My hand instinctively tightens over Raf's at the familiarity I detect in the woman's voice, a flare of jealousy spiking inside of me

'God, I haven't seen you in so long.' Her eyes widen as she peruses him. 'And look at how you've changed.'

A tight smile appears on Raf's face.

'Catalina,' he nods his head at the woman, 'Marcello,' he greets her companion. 'This is my wife, Noelle,' he makes the introduction, and my discomfort is momentarily appeased.

'Pleased to meet you,' I respond as I extend my hand for a shake.

'Wife? You're married,' Catalina blinks in surprise.

'Yes. It's a rather recent development.'

'My, but I'm so happy for you. After what happened with Sisi,' she purses her lips, and alarms go off in my head as I hear another woman's name. 'And then your disappearance. I was worried about you.

'As you can see, I'm doing fine.' He nods before proceeding to discuss some business arrangements with Marcello.

'I never realized Michele could be so cunning,' Marcello states.

'No one did. He made sure he was seen as the prodigal son. And because of that, look what happened,' Raf adds in a strained tone. 'But not for long. Cisco and I are working on it.'

'If you need any help,' Marcello pauses, patting him on the back, 'you need only to ask. You know we see you as family,' he mentions stoically.

'Thank you.'

I keep to Raf's side as we go from person to person, all indicating their astonishment at his appearance.

It's only when we get a brief reprise that he explains why everyone would be so shocked.

'I used to play a role before. What they saw...was what I wanted them to see,' he states going in depth about how he'd portrayed himself as mentally weak so that people would overlook him.

I listen intently to his words, lifting my eyes to meet his.

'Does that mean you're playing a role now?' I ask on a whisper, afraid of the potential answer.

'Does it?' A wolfish grin appears on his face. 'Maybe,' he chuckles. 'We're all playing a role, aren't we? Sometimes, behind a lie you'll find the truth. Oscar Wilde once said give a man a mask and he'll tell you exactly who he is,' he muses wistfully.

I narrow my eyes at him.

'Then who are you, Rafaelo Guerra? Who are you, really?' The question tumbles out of my mouth before I can help myself. He's shown me so many different facets of himself—vicious cruelty and the sweetest compassion. Yet there's so much more to him than meets the eye, so much more he's keeping locked tight within himself.

The Foiled Plan (War of Sins Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now