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'What's going to happen now?' I ask as I sneak a peek at his profile.

Hands tightly coiled around the steering wheel, he's got a harsh look on his face.

Since we've left the venue, he hasn't said a word to me, quietly seething as he turned his attention to driving.

Luckily, most people invited had been supportive of Yuyu and her identity as the Black Monarch, some even going as far as praising her abilities. But it's not them my family is worried about. No, it's the others. Those that will hear of her identity and will come back to ask for retribution.

While none of those present had condemned her or held her previous job against her during the negotiation phase, I know Cisco is worried about the information leaking. And since it had been Michele who'd dropped the bomb... It's safe to assume that come morning everyone will know the identity of the Black Monarch.

And that means only one thing. People will come gunning for Yuyu. Whereas before she could have taken care of herself—as the video pointed out—now with her pregnancy she is backed into a corner.

Cisco had also stayed mostly quiet until the event had ended, most likely plotting Michele's death for messing with his Yuyu.

Still, until he gets to Michele, he'll have plenty of people to ward off.

'Your brother might need to move upstate until the birth of the baby. He needs a secure perimeter in case anyone tries something,' Raf replies, almost absentmindedly.

'Does that mean we're moving too?'

'Undecided,' he shrugs. 'I still have a target on my back, and any hint of disharmony could send the bounty hunters running. If they've been lowkey until now it's only because of your brother's influence. And now...'

'Is the Black Monarch so hated?' I frown.

'More than hated,' he gives a sad smile. 'There will be a lot of people willing to take revenge for the death of their loved ones, that's for sure.'

'I see...' I turn my attention back to the road.

The driveway is empty save for a few cars here and there, the hour too late for anyone to be out and about, especially on this route. There is nothing but forest left and right, the atmosphere gloomy and forlorn.

Silence descends in the car, and though I sneak a look at Raf every now and then, I simply can't gauge his mood.

Is he mad? Is he disappointed?

His brother's appearance, though digital, must have shocked him. Because more than anything, it shows that Michele has been keeping track of Raf's whereabouts and what he's been up to.

'When did you find out Michele wasn't your biological brother?' I ask, thinking back to all the times Michele's name had been mentioned, yet never once had I heard anything relating to this.

His expression turns grim and for a moment he doesn't answer.

'Today,' he finally says in an odd tone. Almost as if he suddenly settled on that word. Almost as if... I frown as I turn to look at him, and for the first time I note the traces of weariness on his face.


'Sisi told me. She put me up to speed with Michele's involvement in an illegal organ transplant ring a few years back and how they'd ended up finding out the two of them were related.' He gives me the gist of it, though his entire discourse is mechanical—no trace of emotion even though the story itself is heartbreaking.

The Foiled Plan (War of Sins Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now