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Date: Tuesday 24th July 2022

Gracie's pov

GRACIE HAS BEEN SAT on her bedroom floor for hours with her pen in hand vigorously writing down song lyrics. Gracie only had gotten up when she heard a knock on the door "COMING" she hurried to the door to see who had arrived.

Gracie opened the door to reveal Tate, Tate lives in the same apartment complex as Gracie. Tate is Gracie's best friend so they often hang out together a lot.

"Hey Tate what are you doing here?" She stared at the girl "Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to a party this Saturday? My friend Olivia is hosting it and was wondering if I would like to go and also offered that I could bring some friends along too." Tate said excitedly.

"I'd be happy to go" Gracie smiled "Okay, okay thank you, thank you" Tate jumped up and down hugging the girl "I'll see you Saturday" Gracie nodded "See you Saturday" Gracie shut her front door behind her walking back into her room and deciding to pull out her phone and mindlessly scroll through TikTok.

As she settled onto her bed, Gracie propped up a few pillows behind her and began tapping through endless TikTok videos, letting herself get lost in the amusing content.

After a while, the familiar buzz of her phone's low battery warning snapped her out of her TikTok trance. Gracie sighed, realizing she had spent much longer on the app than she intended. She reluctantly set her phone aside and glanced at the clock, realizing it was already past midnight. Resolving to get some rest, she turned off the lights and snuggled under her cozy blankets, her mind still replaying some of the funniest TikTok moments before drifting off to sleep.

Time skip: Saturday day of the part

Date: 28th July 2022

Charlotte's pov

CHARLOTTE AND OLIVIA were setting up for the party tonight "Livie!" Charlotte yelled in her strong French accent "Coming!" Olivia said from upstairs "Where's your red solo cups?" Charlotte sighed "Top self to your left, I'm gonna go get the snacks" Charlotte nodded in response.

As Charlotte reached for the red solo cups, she heard a knock on the door. Curious, she glanced at Olivia, who shrugged in response. "I'll get it," Olivia offered, making her way to the door while Charlotte continued setting up the party essentials.

As Olivia opened the door, a blast of cool evening air swept into the room, carrying with it the sound of laughter and chatter from her friend Tate and Tate's Best friend Gracie.

Tate and Gracie walked inside Olivia's house after saying hi, Gracie looked up to see Charlotte fucking Bellerose standing in the middle of the kitchen.

Bailey's note: CLIFFHANGER?????

AHHH 'le premier chapitre est terminé!!'  (the first chapter is done!!) I really hoped you liked it. Sorry that it's so short! I Will be making longer 'chapitres' in the future. Please don't forget to vote!! And comment 😝😝

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