Chapter 1: Trapped

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[Fair warning beforehand, I had used Google translate for this, so there is a high chance I most likely will not have the correct translation!]
[Note: "Normal", "Malay," please be aware of this tiny difference. and if you see these bits |".."| the character is thinking]




Boboiboy.. or tempest... he wasn't sure.. he didnt know how he got here, but he didn't like it..

He somehow went from the whirling wind of the tornado around him after throwing that stupid spider? He wasn't sure.. nonetheless he got rid of it! He won!.. but that's when everything got blurry, he did however remeber everything else...

He remembered the sound of te whirling wind around him, muffling the voices he could've sworn he heard.

He remembered the overwhelming pain in his head as he tried to not lose control.. or was it to gain control? But within the pain he felt like he could do anything!

He could've sworn the dark cloudy wind around him was closing in for a moment before he ended up here, high above the city lights below. The dark cloudy sky above him as he loomed in the air.. confused.

Where was he?? What happened to the wind, the castle... everything?!.. was everyone okay??.. he had to go back but how...

He also couldn't help but notice the fight between control they once had falter.. mabey because they were one?.. no that wouldn't make sense.. it didn't matter right now.. that could.

What mattered first was figuring out where he was, so drifting down quietly as to not drag attention to himself he went into the streets.





Walking around the steampunk themed city was far from what he expected, it was too loud for his liking. With him pulling his scarf over his head like a hood- his hat! Where did his hat go?!.. oh..

Seeing the piece of Headwear fall down behind him be sighed, in relief he could only guess, before going to pick it up.

While he was originally planning on putting it on his head, he wasn't quite sure it was fitting for whatever he was supposed to be.. deciding to just hold it for now as he fixed the part of his scarf over his head.

Finally he'd walk towards the city streets, thankfully a lot empty as a result of it being late into the night, however that didn't hide the fact that he still got looks from strangers. Alone, confused and not knowing where or what he was, it only raised what started as little to not anxiety and only went up.

And that anxiety only spiked, when he accidentally ran into a lady, resulting in him falling backwards and onto the sidewalk."oh!.. Bàoqiàn hu, Nǐ hái hǎo ma??(Oh!.. sorry hun, are you alright?)" She'd ask, leaning foward and holding a hand out to help the other up, despite his strange clothing.

He kept his gaze down, while he didn't understand what she had said, he simply could guess from her body movement that she was probably asking if he was okay... he was sure.. but it seemed that way.

So he took her offered hand and slowly got up and nodded as a yes... okay so he was doing it right so far. Now he just had to leave and.. why is she looking at him like that.

The lady had covered her mouth with her hands, gently placing a hand on the others face, her touch slowly drifting towards his eyes. "..Nǐ de yǎnjīng..(..your eyes..)" She'd mutter, she didn't seem scared, rather concerned. And that's when it hit him, his eyes were still that ghostly glowing white color.. weren't they?..

Slowly taking a step back, he realized he made a mistake. Only to put into another person, this street just had to get slightly busy now didn't it?!

Feeling a hand on his shoulder he couldn't help but flinch before moving foward and quickly turn to face the man he had turn into. Who was with a friend and seemed to back up in shock aswell, with both of them taking a step backwards in confusion.

It didn't take long for questions to be asked as words were exchanged between the lady he had first random into and the two others, he the younger not understand a word either of them were saying.

And as if his luck couldn't get an worse--which it did--it started a bit of a small crowd as others were curious what the commotion was about.. and what the deal was with the strange boy.

Great, now he was surrounded, just what he needed! Holding his hand tightly to his chest with one hand, he'd try to block out the sound with the other. He hated this place! It didn't help his confusion, it only made it worse.

So in one final moment of desperate he slammed his hand on the floor, creating a shockwave of wind to push everyone backwards and make some distance between himself and the citizens of this cursed city.

However, this seemed to only cause more confusion, some even pointing at him and yelling to others, only resulting in the boy making a break for it into the road and narrowly avoiding incoming traffic.

He had to get out of here! He didn't know what he just did but he clearly did something wrong, so seeing a alleyway and running towards it, the wind element hid in the shadows once again.

That didn't stop his running though as he kept going for a while, before losing his energy and falling down into a sitting down by a wall before pulling his legs close to his chest and cried. Which sucked as it only came out as a mix of tears and laughter.

He just wanted to go home...

But even then, some small part of him kept saying he deserved this.. and it just hurt the more he thought about it, so with a heavy heart and tightly clothing to the hat in his chest he drifted off to sleep.





And that was the first chapter! Thought it would be interesting to have boboiboy be stuck as tempest for a little while, with of the addition of a bit of an entity crisis ^-^

Again credit to @EnderKai150 as they are the one who asked for this kind of crossover! To which I delivered!

Anyway, I hope you gremlins enjoy this story!

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