Chapter 2: A new friendship

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[Note: "Normal", "Malay," please be aware of this tiny difference. and if you see these bits |".."| the character is thinking]




The warm rays of sunlight awake the very much confused elemental boy as he lifted his head to see the blue sunny sky above, the sounds of the city around him giving it a sort of life. He hadn't even realized he had fallen asleep, but his hunger didn't go as unnoticed as his sleep.

"When was the last time I ate?.." he'd mutter, placing a hand on his chin for a moment to think and he did recall the last time he-err boboiboy ate being back at the kepaku village. Which now that he considered it, had infact been a while.. and dang he didn't realize how much more hunger he could be as a result of that fight.

He sighed, getting up and making sure the makeshift hood he had on his head from the scarf before finally tightening is grip on his hat as he held it on his side before leaping into the air with a blast of wind.

Now above the rooftops and seeing the lively city at the day at its fullest--aswell as the bimps flying in the sky--he smiled for the first time in a little while. He couldn't help but laugh, running across the rooftops and enjoying the freedom as the wind blew against his face; a nice breeze unlike the rough winds from before.

Eventually that moment ended as he smiled, only for his stomach to ruin the moment and growl. "Seriously now?!" He'd whine, placing a hand on his stomach. "Okay, food first then exploring!" He decided, smiling as he continued to run through the city in search of something to snack on.





He'd sigh, still.. nothing. "I just wanna eat.." he'd continue to whine, before hearing a commotion in the street below that grabbed his attention. "What's going on down there?" He'd mutter, looking down at the fight. Seeing a girl in blue begin to fight three men; who clearly were up to something from his point of view.

He sure as heck wasn't expecting what happened next, seeing water, earth and finally fire being controlled down in the fight. "Awesome.." he couldn't help but mutter, watching the brown skinned girl bend some earth to try and stop the 1920s looking car they were driving, resulting in it tumbling into the air and speeding into a shop.

However, this didn't last for long as he looked up onto the air out of confusion as he heard a siren from above only to see one of the blimps. "Jǐngchá. dòngjié nǐ suǒzài dì dìfāng(POLICE. FREEZE WHERE YOU ARE.)" Was pretty much what was announced from the blimp.

But now that he thought about it, that language did sound familiar, hadn't ying and yaya used it once.. he wasn't sure.

However seeing people fall out from the blimp only to control some sort of metal as they drifted down to the ground. Seeing as they had arrested the jerks who were clearly in the wrong he smiled. However, it was the arugement between the girl who stopped them and one of the.. officers?.. turn into the girl defending herself, was when he decided to step in and help.

Right before the officer could land a pretty bad hit on the girl, he jumped in between the duo and smirked before kicking a blast of air to knock him backwards much to the others shock. He'd then turn to the girl to check if she was okay, hoping his makeshift hood could cover his eyes as he held out a thumbs up to the girl.

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