Another Day, Another DogDay

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Requested By: Princesskg1

When you first joined the company, you'd never expected so much chaos....
The moment you stepped into the interview for them, you knew something was off about this place....But the pay was...awfully good...
Something didn't feel right...Every time you'd walked into this place the last few weeks.
Something felt...Off....
"(Y/n?.)." A voice asked causing you to jump.
"O-o-oh. D-DogDay!. Hello Dear Friend!. What can I do for you today?."
Dogday tilted his head and frowned.
"Are you okay (Y/n?.)."
You averted eye contact.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?."

Dogday gave a small glare. "I had been calling your name for several minutes (Y/n.)"

You let out a somewhat frustrated sigh.
"Dogday, I promise I'm okay. I'm just...-
You paused trying to come up with some excuse...
"I'm just...Really tired today...and standing in the same few spots will get a bit boring eventually... ya know?. You're free to roam wherever you'd like but I can't-
You yelped at the feeling of Dogdays paws wrapping around your waist, you looked back at him and groaned, already knowing what he was gonna do.
Lifting you up, he sat you on his shoulders, you huffed in slight annoyance and Dogday just laughed.
"It's time for a well-deserved break (Y/n.)"
He said.
"But I just got here! I can't take a break yet.!."
Dogday looked up to you with a "You're taking a break and that's final look."
You gave a slight pout, then smiled.
"Fine....Dogday knows best."
You said in a slightly teasing tone.
Dogday marched forward, a seemingly proud smile on his face.
"I do! I'm so glad you agree with me (Y/n!.)"
You couldn't help but giggle at his enthusiasm.

"We're here!."
Dogday shouted, setting you down to a small table, he sat crisscrossed on the floor, after a moment of silence Dogdays eyes widened!
"Oh! I'll be right back!."
You tapped your fingers on the table waiting patiently for DogDay to come back.
He came back with...Books?. And a handful of snacks? You tilted your head, feeling slightly confused.

"Dogday what are you?-
"I told the others that you weren't feeling well so they agreed that a well-rested break is necessary!. I convinced them to give you an extra 30 minutes of break time today! Isn't that wonderful!."
Dogday handed you some items.
"I know how much you like to read and knowing you...Breakfast for you was probably one of those um...
Dogday paused, having a bit of trouble remembering what the thing he was thinking of was called....
"Do you mean..Coffee?"
You spoke up in a quiet tone.
Dogdays face lit up!
"Yes, that! A coffee! You skipped breakfast and had a coffee right?."

Dogdays happy look turned to a small scowl.
"You know that's probably not healthy for you right?."
Sitting down next to you, making yourselves comfy DogDay wrapped an arm around you, pulling you in for a quick side hug.
"It's a good thing you've got me to help you get through the day! We're the best-est of friends right (Y/n?.)"
You smiled, turning to the next page of your book.
"Yeah, Dogday...You're the best-est friend a coworker could ask for."

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