Chapter 20: Day of Rest

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(A few days later)


  We all camp around under a tree.  One of the last, still-alive trees. A good place to rest for the last few days, until we find another abandoned hut to squat in.

  I sit next to Ken'ichi, my head on his shoulder, although, I was not conscious of this. I pinch his cheek out of the mischievous in my heart. 

  "Ow," Ken'ichi replies, and rubs his cheek. His back is leaned against the tree trunk, with his gaze looking forward. Ken'ichi pats my head, and I instantly get up.

  "What- don't pat my head!" I scowl at him, "I get that I'm shorter than you, but that does not give you the right to pat my head like I'm a 5-year-old child!"

  For once, I completely forget about everything. I completely forget about being a fugitive, about being constantly pursued by that so-called queen. I forget that a killer is around me, claiming to be the friend of that diabolical fiend. I forget that there were other people around. 

  Ken'ichi grins at me, "You better calm down, Myeong. Now, you don't want others believing you are what you say, correct? If you would like for the world to know of you being a 5-year-old child, I will giddily present it." 

  He pats the ground next to him, urging for me to sit back down. I glare at him, as if though I was sending him death threats. He holds a nonchalant expression throughout. In the end, I resign. 

  "Fine, you win." I huff, plopping back down next to him. Then, I remember that there are others around. My cheeks become flustered red with embarrassment, and I pull away from him at once. I give him a kick out of embarrassment, and I cross my arms. I turn my back on him, see Atlanta, and turn back around. 

  "I hate you so much." I say to Ken'ichi, exasperated. 

  Hebe looked at them, and her expression grew a bit dimmer. Almost like regret? Sorrow? Like she missed someone dear to her.

  Mus laughed, and whispered something to Hidden. Her eyes widened, and she blushed a hot red. He noticed Hebe looking down, and turned away from the girl for a moment.

  "Is everything alright, Hebe?" He asked in a low tone, so others wouldn't hear.

  Hebe smiled, and shook her head. "Awwe! You two are such a sweet couple - I remember when I had someone like that. Of course, he ended up being a little off, and saw killing children as beauty, but still was a sweetie!"

  "Hebe, are you okay?" Now Hidden was asking.

  She just nods, and seems embarrassed about what she just blurted. Hebe climbs back up the tree. "I'll keep watch. If I see anyone coming towards us, I'll holler down to you all."

  "Just ignore her," Mus said covered for Hebe's sudden, strange behavior. "Bad memories."

  He looked up at Hebe. She just stared off into the distance from where she perched near the top of the tree. Mus sighed and went back to Hidden.

  All went quiet for a bit. As if no one knew what to do next.

  Then, Hidden scowled. "I watched Wisp and Rustic make the same mistake. They claimed to 'just be friends' for so long, that when fate came for them, it was too late to make any changes."

  "We are a couple," Ken'ichi casually answers in response, which caused for my face to heat up. "Myeong just refuses to accept it, because she's embarrassed by the idea of that. Don't worry, she'll release her stubbornness soon enough." 

  "Ken'ichi!" I almost yell, my face still heated red. I was blushing, real hard. "No, we are not! Never, I refuse!" 

  Ken'ichi just smirks at the flustered me after my small outburst.  I was quite embarrassed, and I had desperately wanted to escape. I take my chances to try to run away, but Ken'ichi grabs my arm, causing me to turn redder. I then looked at Ken'ichi with a serious expression, attempting to intimidate him, "Let go of me."

  I kindle a little fire with my other, free hand, sending more threats at Ken'ichi. Ken'ichi doesn't flinch, however. I cleanse the small fire in resignation once again, and fall down onto the ground in defeat. I ask out loud, "When will I ever win?"

  Hidden just starts laughing, while Mus watches her, with a sense of longing in him. Suddenly, he stops, and asks a question.

  "How did you make a fire with your hands?" He asks.

  "Wait what?" Hidden, who had been too carried away with the earlier conversation, says. "I thought all abilities were gone after the storm?"

  "Abilities?" Mus asked.

  She just tells him, "You wouldn't get it, since your, uh, community lived so far off from the other four tribes." 

   "I'm the only one with abilities left. Atlanta," --I say her name scornfully,-- "May also have abilities, but I'm not sure. My abilities still exist though. My-," I begin, begin the next sentence I was going to say. However, the sound of the clanking of metal interrupts by sentence. Guards were nearby. 

  "We seriously never get a break from these people."

  "Guards!" Hebe yelled, "Everyone, run for the crowds! We'll loose them in the crowds,"

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