tacomic - pardon (rq!)

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request by: __Random_Lettuce__

this ties in with the nickloon story!! also, i wrote the majority of this on a 5-hour car ride, and I did so much??? slaying

taco is dominant idc what u say it is canon im adam katz /j

(i didnt like this ship at first, but GOD DAMN its GROWING ON ME ATTAGAGAGAGGA)

(the true tacomic content starts by the end, everything else is like a build up)

i think i wrote too much-

this takes place before season 3 starts!!!

mini warning: swears and kissing omg thats crazy😨😨😨

That morning, OJ calls down all of the hotel guests to the lobby, and the residents who actually listen to the annoucements rushed down to the main floor. Along with Microphone and Soap leaving their shared room. The elevator door opened and Knife called his friends over to the living room area, patting the couch as a signal to get comfortable and sit with him.

Microphone laid back and placed her arms against the back of the couch. "Good morning, Knife." Soap lightly waved to him and Knife just nodded. "Morning, anyway—you here for the meeting?"

"I mean—of course!" Soap laughed, "and right after I need to start my cleaning routine!" She pushed around this cart full of cleaning supplies, and Mic never understood why she kept her neat freak habits up.

She thought Soap quit for good, especially right before her elimination. "I thought I threw those sponges and shit in the lake?" Mic recalled. Soap always had this urge to clean like it was a disease, and the simple cure was to simply quit.

"This guy named Lifering retrieved them for me!" Soap smiled brightly. "Isn't he just so nice? And sweet? And kind? He found my babies in the bottom of the ocean!" She hugged her cleaning supplies like they were actual alive babies.

"How did that Lifer guy get your cleaning supplies when he can't even sink?" Knife asked.

"I actually don't know—he just said he did?" Soap shrugged. "That doesn't matter right now—"

Suddenly, Salt and Pepper stormed into the lobby and began clapping her hands to catch the attention of all the guests. "Everyone! Like, hush up! OJ is going to talk so you ALL better listen!" Salt demanded, and Pepper just smiled and waved. She always tend to be the calmer one out of the two.

"Thanks for that Pepper... and uhm—" OJ stepped up with flashcards and glared at Salt in confusion. "You..." Paper happily skipped over to his side with files and important documents in his hands. "Hello everyone!!"

"For today's topic, an anonymous guest has reported somebody missing..." OJ read off the cards and switched to the next one. He clenched his teeth and glanced over to Paper once he saw the name of the missing individual.

"Okay— you guys may not care about this certain... airbag, but I need you to think about his life here, okay?" OJ spoke, "we will be going through our normal procedures to find him, despite his reputation, alright?!"

The crowd of guests all nodded, and some of them were being lazy and arguing over each other.

"Alright we get it, Balloon's missing, enough with the six-hour speeches." Knife crossed his arms. While the rest of the crowd gasped.

"H-H-H-HE'S G-G-GO-GONE?!?" Bomb shouted over everybody.

"Good riddance, am I right?" Paintbrush wrapped their arm around Lightbulb as she replied with a giggle.

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