lightbrush - colorful improvements (rq!)

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request: ReadingPaddle

takes places after II 14 and they are just kinda there



the title is based of when lightbulb (the team captain) got
replaced by painty in episode 4, idrk what to name it so just take that ig 😭

mini warning: little bit of cursing and a rude painty grrrr grrr 😡😡😡

Ome day, the eliminated contestants staying at hotel OJ decided to hang around where the show took place, as MePhone suddenly went missing for a couple months on end without any warnings.

MePad insisted on letting him have this break, just abandoning all of his contestants again, leaving the Bright Lights to have a little reunion of their own.

Paintbrush, Test Tube, Fan, Marshmallow and Apple all traveled together as a team after a long time, and spent the day catching up and hanging out, something they weren't able to do for a couple of years.

"So, Marsh. Care to finally explain where you went that episode?" Paintbrush finally strikes up a conversation after walking for several minutes in silence, they were carrying their paint supplies and a folded canvas with them on this trip. To finally unleash their artistic abilities outside of a challenge.

"Oh uhm— sorry Paintbrush, I just prefer not to tell, if that's alright?" Marshmallow gently smiled and Apple stood up to defend her right away. "How dare you pressure her into telling you something! Don't listen to Paintbrush, Marsh! Just don't!!!"

"I—I wasn't going to anyway— Paintbrush wouldn't place pressure on anybody especially on a private topic!" Marshmallow smiled, "you don't need to defend me anymore, Apple! Remember what Bow said."

"Bow? I thought she was dead?" Fan immediately spoke upon hearing the deceased flat-personality advertiser's name. Marsh quickly realized everybody didn't know how she was still in touch with her best friend and quickly brushed it off. "Oh no! It's nothing. Haha... anyway, this looks like the location!"

Everybody noticed some common landmarks like the huge pond on the side, and the big vending machine right in front of their eyes, along with the mountains and even the hosts.

"Oooh! I see the co-hosts!! Let's go say hi!" Lightbulb jumped up with enthusiasm and immediately grabbed Marsh and zipped away with her. Apple quickly turned on her gears to catch up. "Wait— NO!!! MARSHMALLOW COME BACK!!! NOOOOOO—"

Test Tube sighed and began placing her own items onto the grass below, she set down an entire telescope which had been insanely damaged by the lens with burns and creases. Fan set out a folding table and flattened out the surface.

Seems like the two were ready to nerd out the entire day. Paintbrush didn't seem to have any interest in joining the two, so they made their escape by beginning a climb up a huge mountain, trying to get the best view possible for a painting activity that day.

Paintbrush found themselves leaning against a tree and dangling their feet over the edge of a cliff, not doing what they intended to do today. Right beside them stood their empty blank canvas with not a spec of paint.

They had an entire reference right in front of them, but they couldn't get themselves to paint today... "gosh... I never paint, why can't I get myself to just do it..." they silently complained to themselves.

Painty had sat there for so long, they noticed the sun had moved from one spot to the next. If they looked close enough, Paintbrush swore they could see the sun moving very slowly in the sky.

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