Sanji (One Piece)

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This man is the love of my life.

Modern AU. Kinda out of character I guess


It was a sunny day and I decided to spend this lovely day studying in a nearby cafe. I order my usual and sit down by the window. After taking a sip of my drink, I take out my study material. I look at the textbooks in front of me. 'Why did I decide to take science and biology? It's so much effort. People need to stop discovering things. It's making it harder for everyone else.' I hang my head in defeat. I go there quite often at the same time. It's not busy at this time which makes it easier to study. I lay my head on my cheek left cheek and looked around the small cafe. My eyes landed on a cute guy who's sitting by himself, looking at drink which he was holding. I lift my head to get a better view. He has bold hair and blue eyes. His eyebrows curl which I found adorable. He's wearing a similar school uniform to mine. 'I guess he also goes to .... How have I not seen him before?' It seems that he noticed I was staring at him and turned his head in my direction. My face warmed up slightly as I turned my head quickly to look out the window. I can feel my ears turning turning red from embarrassment of getting caught. After finally having my face cool down I get back to studying, trying to distract myself from the cute blonde. 'I can't get him out of my mind and now I can't take in the work.' I thought in frustration. I decided that it's better for me to stop. I packed all my stuff and left the cafe. 'I wonder if I'll see him again.'

Sanji POV

I stare at my drink in thought, 'The chef's exam is coming up. I know I'm fully prepared but I can't help being nervous. I don't want to disappoint Zeff.' I shake my head to get rid of those thoughts, 'I will do well. I grew up with one of the best chefs there is.' As I continue to think as I stare at my drink, I can feel someone's eyes on me. I lift my head in the direction of said eyes and see a cute girl looking at me. Her face turns red and turns away, probably hoping I didn't notice her staring. 'Heh adorable.' She has h/c hair and e/c eyes that I managed to see in that split second of our eyes meeting. She was wearing my school uniform so she must be attending as well. 'How have I not noticed her before?' I thought as I looked at my drink with a smile. 'It seems she's in the science department so that makes sense. It's on the other side of campus. I hope I'll get to see her again.' I watch her leave the cafe.



It's been a few days since I've seen that boy and I still can't get him off my mind. 'Next time I see him (if ever) I'm gonna talk to him.' I think with a determined face.

"What's with that look?" Robin asked.

Robin was in my history class an we kinda connected. She's like my school bestie. We don't really interact outside of school because she has her own friend group and I prefer to not interact with a lot of people.

"Oh no it's nothing." I respond.

"It's not nothing. You don't have that kind of face when it comes to anything with school and you definitely don't do anything that needs that face. So tell me." She pushed.

I sighed, 'Maybe she can help',

"Well a few days ago I was at the cafe that I visit often to study."
She nodded
"And there was this cute guy. He had blonde hair and blue eyes and the cutest curled eyebrows," I said in a lovey Dovey tone, "and I can't get him out of my head so I decided that the next time I see him, I will talk to him."

"Interesting." She commented.

"Why is it interesting?" I asked in confusion.

"Well for one you normally don't go out of your way to talk to people, especially a guy. And second you sound like someone in my friend group." She said.

"Really?" I looked at her. She nodded.

"He's like completely lovestruck. He really wants to find the girl." She said.

"How funny would it be if he was the same guy I was talking about?" I laughed. She giggled as well. We went our separate ways and I went to the cafe, in hopes to see him again.

Sanji POV

I was sitting down with the crew. Nami, Luffy, Ussop, Franky, Brook, Zoro and Chopper. We were just talking about random stuff like we always do. I still have the girl from the cafe stuck in my mind. Robin walked up and sat down in her usual spot.

"Sanji. I might have found the girl you've been talking about." She said to me. Everyone suddenly stopped their conversation to listen to ours.

"Really?!" I exclaimed.

"Well if your girl has h/c hair and e/c eyes then yes." She commented

"Yes yes." I urged her to continue.

"It just so happens that a friend of mine in history mentioned that they would like to meet a guy that she saw in the cafe a few days ago. She just so happened to mentioned the description of the guy and it fits you perfectly." She said with a smile.

"Hell yeah!" I jumped out of my seat and held Robin's hands, "Thank you so much!" I said with a big smile on my face.

"If you really want to see her, she's currently in the same cafe as before. I suggest you run before she leaves." She mentioned.

I nodded my head enthusiastically and grabbed my bag.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow." I said in a rush before running to the cafe.


I am once again staring at my textbooks, this time actually being able to take in the information they are providing. I heard the door of the cafe open but I ignored it, assuming it was just a random customer. I didn't noticed the sounds of footsteps heading my way until I noticed a pair of legs in front of me in my peripheral vision. I looked up at the person standing there to see it was the cute guy from a few days ago.

"Found you." He whispered. My face turned slightly red.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi." He responded. We started at each other for a bit. "Can I sit here?"

I snapped out of the staring contest and said "Yes yes. Of course." I can feeling my heart pounding against my chest. I suddenly felt nervous. What do you expect? I normally don't talk to people, now imagine doing it with a cute guy.

"I'm sorry. I'm not used to talking to strangers, especially a cute guy." Realising what I said, I covered my reddening face with my hand. He heard me and turned red slightly as well.

"Well it makes you feel any better. I find you cute as well." That comment just made my blush even worse.

Eventually after some awkward interactions, we got into common interests and had a great time. I noticed it was getting late.

"It's getting dark. I think it's time for me to head home." I said as I stood up.

"Let me walk you home. Can't let a lady walk by herself now, can we?"

I was hesitant but agreed. We walked together back to my place. It was a comfortable silence. Once we reach the door of my house I turned to him.

"I would invite you in but that only will happen on the third date." I said as a joke.

He took my hand and kissed my knuckles, "Then will you let me have the honour of taking you out on a date?"

I nodded with a blush and gave him my number. I smiled as I watched him walk away. I entered my house and leaned against the door,holding my phone to my chest with a lovestruck look on my face.

I felt a vibration from my phone which made look at it.


A smile appeared on my face once again.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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