●Chapter 2●

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What the hell?

I was shocked as much as everyone was. The students gathered around the broken chandelier as hushed whispers flew into my ears. The broken glass pieces were everywhere. 

"Do you think it's them again?" I heard a girl say standing a few feet away from me to her friend. 

"I think so, you know the letter did arrive three days ago." Her friend replied. 

I stepped a little closer to the crowd surrounding the broken chandelier when a boy standing near me suddenly yelled.

"There's a letter! look!" He pointed towards centre of the chandelier. 

Indeed, there was a letter. A black letter with gold borders. Then another voice boomed throughout the place and everyone fell silent. 

"Everybody, please move to your classes. No student shall roam in the hallways unnecessarily. If found doing so, the student will be terminated." 

Then as if nothing had happened, everybody started moving. Soon, there were only a few students were left including me. I walked back to the reception as I glanced back at the scene and now, instead of a hoard of students, only a man stood. 

He must be in his late forties, with a muscular built. He had a sharp jawline and golden hair with a striking pair of green eyes.  The man wore a white shirt, a black vest, and black trousers. 

He must be a very important person.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned towards the reception. I opened my mouth again and closed it

Shit, what was I going to ask her again?

"Hello! Do you need any help?" The receptionist suddenly asked. I looked at her, suddenly all my thoughts were a mess. 

"Umm, yes, I'm a new student here." I said feeling my cheek becoming hot. I always mess this up.

"Oh! Welcome to Westwood Academy! What's your name dear?" She asked smiling at me kindly while typing something on her computer. 

"My name is Natalie, Natalie Corbyn."  I told her. She told me to wait for a second while she typed my name furiously. I took a second to look back at the chandelier but the man was gone now. Only some janitors were present, cleaning the floor and picking up the glass shards. 

"Ms Corbyn, here's your schedule." I turned back to the receptionist as she held a paper between her fingers passing it to me. I took it and she said something to me again. 

"You have missed your homeroom, don't worry you will be marked present. I have called someone to show you around. Wait here, I hope you have a fruitful year!" She said and started working on her computer again. 

I uttered a 'thank you' and sat on one of the chairs by the potted plants near the reception. Then, it all poured on me. 

Wait, what were the girls talking about? What about that suspicious looking letter? Who the hell was that weird man? Wait a minute, why is no one worried!! How are they feeling normal after that big accident!? It's almost as if- 

Wait, it's almost as if it's a daily occurrence. 

No, stay focused on your goal, don't grovel much. 

I stood up to go the reception again but a stopped when a tall girl walked towards me. She had chestnut skin, big black eyes and long sleek black hair tied in a long braid. She looked majestic, there was something about her which made me feel small. I don't know if it was her confidence or her calmness. 

She's a student too. No shit.

Then something caught my eyes. A silver badge on her chest pocket, shined brightly and I read the letters engraved on it. 

'Avantika Sharma- Head girl' 

"Are you the new girl? Natalie Corbyn?" She asked coldly. I lifted my eyes to meet hers, judging by her face she doesn't look like someone who would be interested in becoming friends. Well, I guess, it's just her. 

"Yes, I'm Natalie Corbyn, nice to meet you! What's your name?" I asked her just wanting to start a small conversation. 

She looked at me, raising her left eyebrow.

"I thought you would know, since you were staring keenly at my badge. Anyways, I don't want this to stretch out so follow me." She said in a monotonous tone and turned around going to towards the stairs right beside the reception. 

Wow, that was something. Yeah, I'm not sure if I can find a normal person here. 

"Are you going to stand there the whole day?" I heard her voice from the stairs so I hurried towards her. 


I was exhausted, turns out this school is bigger than I imagined. I don't even remember how many turns I have taken, how many students I have seen and how many countless room have been on my way. 

If the magazines and social media boasts about this school, they are absolutely correct. I have seen a gymnasium big enough to fit my entire previous school's population, a cafeteria, with big fluffy sofas, big tables and comfortable chairs, there was a TV and a big ass food counter that served multiple delicious dishes. Avantika also showed me a big art room, dance hall, tennis court, football ground, basketball court etc etc. 

Geez, I don't even remember half of the stuff I have seen till now.

We finally stopped near a big wooden door which was locked. Avantika stopped abruptly so I thought that we were going to go inside. Then I noticed something. This place is empty, that meant that we were alone here, also, the door was dirty, dust clad. This place was also far away from classrooms in a complete secluded place. Not mention there was only a single window and dim lights which flickered every now and then. 

I let my gaze wander and I neared towards the window opposite to the room. I peered down from the window and saw some kids roaming. Then I looked back at Avantika. She was still standing far from the door and was looking at further down the hall.

I followed her gaze and looked at the end of the hall, expecting a dead end but there was again a door. The only thing different thing about this one was that there were chains around the whole place and the door was locked firmly. There was no access to there.

"Hey, Avantika, are you here?" I said walking towards her but suddenly she dragged me away from that place and before I knew it we were at the stairs, which led us to this uneasy place. 

"What was that?" I asked her as she released my hand abruptly. 

"This is the forbidden part of this school, no one is allowed to come here. I'm the head girl and I have access to this place. Also, it was mandatory to tell you about this place and do not enter this place under any circumstances. There was one girl who came here and-" She neared towards me. 

"-it wasn't good for her. You might know this." She said and stepped back descending down the stairs. 

I felt a shiver down my spine. I remember, it was a few years ago, a sixteen year old girl, committed suicide, it was all over the news. 

Did she mean that, that the girl jumped from here?

Whatever, I should stay away from this place anyways, does not sound like a fun place. 

I took a last glance at the locked door, the narrow hallway and the lone window. Then I walked down the stairs too, tailing behind Avantika. 


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