●Chapter 5●

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"Huh? what happened?" I said as my eyes skimmed the entire room. 

"Should we go and see, what's happening over there?" Amelia asked pointing towards the crowd gathered in the centre. I nodded as we moved towards the crowd. Suddenly a boy yelled from the centre. 

"These are letters! find yours!" As soon as the boy finished, the crowd turned mad. They all rushed, pushing each other, yelling profanities. 

I stood dumbstruck, seeing the wilderness happening before me. Amelia nudged me, pulling me out of trance. 

"What the hell is happening? What letters? Wait, is that a beautifully crafted box I see?" My eyes moved at the centre once again. 

There was indeed a beautifully crafted box there. That thing wasn't much big, but it was beautiful. Made out of wooden, with gold pattern at the edges. It was filled with letters, some students rushed towards it, some were already there. 

They were snatching the letters. 

I saw some going back empty handed, they looked angry. 

"Aww, no letter for them, I guess." As if reading my mind Amelia said. 

"Do you think there will be a letter for us?" I asked Amelia without averting my gaze from the spectacular scene in front of me. 

"I don't know, I don't think these letters are for the students living in the dorms. Also, wouldn't their family just call them, why bother writing a letter? It seems, these letters hold some other meaning." She said rubbing her chin. 

Well, I guess, she's right. 

"Oh my, look here, I'm invited to this year's meet! I'm picked by the.... the Scorpions" Me and Amelia looked at the girl standing with her friends, a few feet away from us. 

We both glanced at each other and then nodded. We walked towards the girls and they must have sensed us, because they looked at us or more like glared at us.

"What do you want?" The girl with the letter asked, flipping her black hairs. Her other two friends, a red head and a brunette, snickered. 

Ugh, I hate this kind of people.

"Oh, I know, you must want this letter, right? Looks like you aren't getting it." She smirked and waved it in front of my face. Her friends snickered loudly this time.

I'm hope you choke on lego, bitc-

"No, we don't want your letter, we are new. Just wanted to know, if these letter are about something important. We want to know what this is about." Amelia said calmly, pointing to the letter. 

How's she so calm?  I would've thrown hands by now. 

The mean girls, stopped snickering. They looked at us, as if we are aliens. 

"You don't know? like really?" The letter girl asked. 

"Wouldn't have asked you, if we knew." I said. This might have hurt her ego because if looks could kill, I would have been six feet under by now.

The girl stepped towards me, I could see her glare making a hole in me. She stopped right in front of me, and smiled creepily. 

Now, this, this is a cause of concern.

"Listen carefully, if you want to survive here, you better keep your mouth shut." The girl said before stepping back and walking somewhere else with her minions. 

"Hey! they didn't even answer our question!" Amelia said glaring at the girls who were now walking out of the cafeteria, snickering again. 



The bell rung, indicating the end of the day. Ms. Collins, our English teacher dismissed us. Soon, everyone started to leave. I shoved my books inside my bag and ran towards the door, stepping out in the hallway. 

The air was cool and I took a deep breath. I moved forward and soon took the stairs. I reached to the reception area, and moved out of the school building and stood in the fresh garden. My eyes scanned the area filled with students to find a familiar face but much to my disappointment, I did not see Amelia. 

That's strange though, we promised to meet each other. 

My phone buzzed suddenly and I checked the pockets of my navy blue jacket. I took my phone out and saw a message from mom. 


I will be a little late Nat, too much traffic. 

Make sure to stay inside the school premises, don't go out and stay cautious of any strange person! I will try to come as soon as possible. 

love, you :) 


I send a quick 'ok' to mom and look around for a place to sit. My eyes stop on a bench far away in a tree's shed. I could sit somewhere else, but that bench seem much important because of the person sitting there. 

Avantika, sits on the bench in all her glory as the head girl. Her long braid on rests upon her right shoulder and her legs are crossed at the ankle. Her head is bowed down and she's looking at her phone. 

It would be better to leave her alone but I have question that need answers. 

I walk towards her until I'm right in front of her. My shadow falls over her and she looks up, her brows scrunched together. 

"What do you want?" She asks straight away. 

I sit beside her as her eyes follow my every action. 

"I have some question." I say to her. 

"I thought, I made everything clear this morning." She says leaning back and crossing her arm. Her tone suggests that she is clearly not interested in whatever I have to say. 

"Well, you did not. You did not tell me anything about the letters and some....invitation type thing, which happened at the cafeteria earlier." I say and this seems to pull her attention. She turns her head towards me and raises her brow. 

"You got an invitation?" She asks.


This seems to do something as her face relaxes and she turns her head forward again. 

"That's good, I hope it stays that way." She mutters but I hear clearly. 

"Well, you did not answer my question. What's that letter thing? Is it important? Why's everyone so obsessed with it. I saw a boy literally, jumping toward that box containing the letters." I said and she exhales sharply. 

She unfolds her arms and sits straight, all her casualness disappears and she looks more serious than ever. Somehow, this makes me nervous. 

"Listen, I thought it would be good if I didn't tell you anything about this but apparently I'm an idiot." She says a little smile forms on her face and it takes me everything to not react over it. 

"I don't know where to start, but I will tell you everything about the elite people of this school, first thing, they are no different than monsters. The thing is, most people fail to see that, because they are blinded, they don't see the terrifying truth under the sophisticated charm."



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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