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Under Pressure.

A FEW HOURS LATER, PERCY CAME BACK. Rory had been secretly hoping that Zeus would smite him and end all of their problems. Alas, Percy Jackson had emerged triumphant and very much alive, his presence causing a stir among the campers. The celebration had already been in full swing, but Percy's return elevated the energy to a new level. He was the hero who had recovered Zeus's lightning bolt, faced off with Ares, and lived to tell the tale.

Rory stood on the edge of the gathering, arms crossed, watching.

"You're glaring," Luke whispered into her ear, his hand reaching for hers. It was a gentle touch, but it brought her back from her thoughts, grounding her in the present. She turned to see him standing close, a faint smile on his lips despite the tension in his eyes.

She looked up at him in shock, momentarily distracted from Percy's return. "Where have you been?"

"With Chris," he replied, "I didn't know they were back yet... What did I miss?"

Rory glanced over at the group of campers gathered around Percy, Annabeth, and Grover. They were laughing and telling stories, the thrill of victory still apparent in their voices. "Annabeth is going to try and find proof Clarisse stole the bolt," she said, her voice almost drowned out by the cheers around them.

Luke's expression shifted, his relaxed demeanor fading as the words sank in. "That's not good..." he muttered, his brow furrowing.

Rory shrugged helplessly, "We have to do something."

Luke nodded, his mind whirring as he devised a plan. He was always quick on his feet, able to think of solutions even in the most challenging situations. "I'm on it," he said, his voice firm with determination. "You just act natural."

As he turned to leave, Rory caught a glimpse of just how exhausted he looked. It wasn't just the faint circles under his eyes or the way his shoulders sagged slightly; it was the overall aura of weariness that clung to him. The entire affair had taken its toll, and Rory wished she could lighten his burden, even if just a little. Rory wanted to pry for more details, to understand the contours of whatever scheme Luke had worked up, but they couldn't talk about this here-not out in the open, where anyone could overhear.

Luke seemed to sense her hesitation, and he leaned in, placing a quick kiss on her cheek before pulling away, his expression serious. Rory felt the warmth of his kiss linger as he vanished into the crowd, leaving her standing alone amid the sea of noisy campers. Despite the chaos and energy around her, she felt a profound sense of isolation. She knew Luke was doing what he thought was best, but his secrecy made it difficult for her to fully trust the outcome.

Rory redirected her attention to Percy, only to realize Annabeth was staring right at her. The young girl hastily averted her gaze, caught in the act of observing.

As lunchtime approached, Rory felt the weariness settle in her bones. Her eyelids felt heavy, and her body ached from the lack of rest. All she wanted was to find a quiet place to lay down and sleep for hours, but the mere thought of sleep filled her with dread. She knew that sleep would only bring her back to that dark cavern, where she'd be endlessly falling, her screams swallowed by the abyss. It was terrifying, and she'd do anything to avoid it. But her body was nearing its limit. At some point, exhaustion would overtake her, and she'd be forced into that dreaded slumber.

She sat at the lunch table with her friends, trying to mask her exhaustion with a half-hearted smile. The camp's dining pavilion buzzed with activity, voices mingling with the clatter of cutlery and the rustle of the wind through the trees. Rory picked at her food, unable to muster much of an appetite, her fork idly moving the mashed potatoes around her plate.

𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗿𝘂𝘀 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘀, luke castellanWhere stories live. Discover now