❆ ┆09

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Minho had been staring at the ceiling while laying on his back on the bed for like 5 minutes now. He was doing a lot of thinking about many things but the main topic was Jisung. Being friends with Jisung didn't sound so bad.

However, the fact that he saved him from his longing wish kind of annoyed him. He got enough courage to actually do it and, it might sound selfish, but that's what he wanted and Jisung took it away from him. He could have been with his younger brother right now.

He brought his hands up to his face and groaned, "Stop it, you stupid brain" he muffled before someone knocked on the bedroom door. He didn't reply and there was another knock, "Hyung? Are you awake?" he heard Jisung's voice coming from the other side of the door and he clicked his tongue "No, now leave me alone"

"I'm coming in" Jisung said and opened the door slowly, much to Minho's disappointment "Aren't you hungry? I made dinner and–"

"I'm not hungry, can you leave me alone? Is that too much to ask?" Minho cut him off as he sat up and looked at the other boy with an unreadable look but if Jisung had to choose he was pretty sure Minho was glaring at him at that moment.

"Did something happen?" the quokka boy questioned with a little hesitation in his voice since he really didn't know what was going on with Minho. Had he done something to piss the boy off? He didn't recall doing something.

He was trying to remember if he did anything but nothing came to his mind. That was when he heard a sigh coming from the older boy as his head hung down "I'm sorry, Jisung" he mumbled and rubbed his eyes with one of his hands "I'm not really in the mood right now, sorry for taking it out on you"

Jisung watched him for a second before letting go of the doorknob and approaching the bed. He sat down on the edge of it, his eyes still on the older "I know what you might be thinking, hyung. Do you want to talk about it or do you want me to leave you alone for a while?"

Minho didn't look up and simply put two fingers up with his free hand, signing Jisung he prefered the second one. The younger boy smiled sadly and nodded, "Okay, I understand. Let me know if you need anything later"

He felt Jisung get up and heard the door closing. After that, he pulled his hand away from his face and rested his back on the headboard "You can't cry, you don't deserve to do that anymore" he whispered to himself as he blinked his upcoming tears away.

Meanwhile in the living room, Jisung was now sitting on the couch while eating dinner thinking about his hyung. Of course he knew that Minho was thinking about his failed attempt but he didn't want to pressure him into talking about anything. After all they weren't even close for him to open up and say what's going on through his mind.

It wasn't his business anyways.

Jisung just wanted to change Minho's opinion about life. He didn't need to know anything or the reason why he wanted to take his own life.

Once he was finished with his meal, he took a painkiller as the pain from throwing himself at the door was still there, "At least I didn't dislocate my shoulder or something. That would be so embarrassing to explain to my friends" he huffed at himself "'Jisung what happened to you?' 'Ah, nothing serious just dislocated my shoulder'" he kept talking to himself while doing the dishes "'Oh my god, what happened?' 'I threw myself on a door-'"

He threw his head back and let out a groan "Literally so embarrassing"

"Are you talking to yourself?"

Jisung yelped and almost threw the plate he was holding when he heard Minho's gentle voice from behind him. He put the last plate away on its spot and turned around as he wiped his hands "Want to give me a heart attack, hyung? Because you almost did"

Minho started fiddling with the hem of his shirt and looked away "Sorry" he muttered and Jisung stared at him for a few seconds before chuckling "Nah, no need to apologize. Are you hungry? I saved some for you"

The older turned his head to face him again and nodded lightly "I am a little hungry". Jisung pulled out a chair and patted the back of it "Come on, sit down and I'll prepare it for you" he offered Minho a smile, not expecting one back.

"Thank you" Minho walked closer and sat down on the chair while keeping his head down, looking at the bandages on his arms. Han noticed that and he was about to say something but decided not to. At least not yet. Minho was probably still uncomfortable.

"Would you like something to drink? I got juice, cola, sprite–" the older cut him off "Water?"

The younger snapped his fingers and nodded "Water. That's a.. That's a great choice, hyung." he opened the fridge and grabbed the bottle of cold water he had.

'Oh my god why do I keep embarrassing myself with shit I say?' he cursed at himself and reached for a glass, still thinking 'Minho hyung probably thinks I'm an idiot or a psycho cause he heard me talking to myself'

"I don't think that"

Han placed the glass of water and the plate on the table in front of Minho and looked at him, puzzled "Huh?"

"I don't think you're an idiot nor a psycho" Minho thanked him for the food and was about to grab the fork to start eating but was stopped by Han grabbing him from the shoulders "Are you telepathic??"

Minho furrowed his brows slightly as he moved away from Han's face which was now closed to his own "No? What are you talking about?" Han let go of him and sat down on another chair, "Then how did you know what I was thinking?"

"Because you said it out loud? I'll probably change my statement after this"

Jisung lowered his head to press his forehead against the table surface and groaned "Hyungg, you could have said that way before I make a fool out of myself" he wanted to disappear.

"I guess I could"

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