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There have been many accomplishments in her life that she took pride in. Whether that was winning a "best student" award in her fifth grade class, or being promoted to captain of the girl's volleyball team when she was fourteen. But one of her greatest achievements was graduating as the third youngest female student from the police academy.

"Kelly Peyton Steinbeck," the captain said, glancing in her direction, a heartwarming glint in his eye.

As soon as her name was announced and she received her certificate and badge, she had never felt so proud of herself. Her family especially wanted the whole world to know how wonderful and hardworking their daughter is. But once her father pinned her badge to her uniform, he couldn't keep himself from spilling happy tears. In return, Kelly cried too.

Her second best accomplishment, if she had to choose, was being promoted as a homicide detective. When her chief saw how capable she was, he himself was impressed with her dedication to the job. Like the academy, Kelly was the youngest officer in her unit to serve in the Raccoon Police Department. Her colleagues were happy for her and they treated her as an equal.

Despite the nature of her work, everything in her life was set in stone... but good things don't last forever.

There were cases piling on everyone's desks involving the citizens' tendencies to brutal killings and impulsive cannibalism. Little did the officers know, there was much more to it than just people going crazy. When the dead began to rise, that's when everything changed. Everyone around Kelly dropped like flies, either remaining dead permanently or coming back as a zombie. For about a week, Kelly lived in a nightmare—and it got much worse.

September 30th, 1998. The day that broke the woman completely. Fighting to survive against the undead was terrible enough, but shockingly, there were more cruel things waiting in the wings. Umbrella Corporation was Raccoon City's main manufacturer, but under their charitable guise, they made catastrophic viruses for profit. And because of their corrupt practices, they unleashed the t-Virus, a cannibalistic disease which spread like a wildfire. In order to cover their tracks, they created bioweapons to wipe out the remaining survivors. Unfortunately for her, she was on their list.

For one, long, excruciating night, Kelly was bit, scratched, shot at and punched. She'd seen a tremendous amount of blood no person should ever perceive in their life. She herself bled at least more than a pint, more than she lost on duty. But somehow, in some way, she escaped from that hell.

Just when she thought her personal horror story ended, a new chapter was opened. By order of the US military, she found herself working as a USSTRATCOM agent under the President's authority.

𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐲 𝐕𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐥 - 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐒. 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲 (𝐑.𝐄.𝟒 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now