Chapter 20: The Man in the Arena

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"I can take my own clothes off, thank you very much," Libro said as he slid around the bed for protection. "Besides, I would prefer my own wife to do this over anyone else. She understands the certain...conditions I'm under."

The chambermaid was not dismayed in the least as followed doggedly after him, gnarled hands outstretched, reaching for the buttons of his coat. "Now, now, my dear Captain. There is no need to be shy," the aged chambermaid chided him. "I have dressed and undressed many a wounded veteran under the lordship of Jarl Kriggith. There is no need for shame or shyness. Besides, all those fancy buttons and straps you have around your armor will take ages to undo by yourself. Consider it a courtesy of the Jarl."

"It's not courtesy. It's invasive." Libro took to unbuttoning the front of his jacket himself, nimble fingers working with expert agility. His sleeve rolled up, revealing the dark scars on his wrist. Another reason to rebuke the chambermaid as well, he reckoned. Less chance for her to see his marks and bring questions to the Jarl. Strange people with strange marks on their body would doubtless be a story he didn't want to tell.

"Please, my dear Captain. The food will grow cold by the time you undress yourself. It simply would be better if—," her  words were cut off as the door burst open and Elba stormed inside

"Elba!" Libro's smile practically jumped off his lips. It remained there for the briefest moment before he saw the look in her eye. Panic, fear, and frustration all coiled up together like a sack of angry serpents, and heading straight towards him.

"Out!" Elba said to the chambermaid, one finger pointed at the door.

"But my lady, I haven't yet—,"

"I said out!"

The Chambermaid bowed her head obediently and shuffled away. "I will take my leave then. Please be presentable to Jarl Kriggith as soon as you can." She eyed Elba, noting the dress clutched in her grasp. "For all our sakes."

With a soft clatter, the door swung shut and Libro was alone with his wife. "I can't tell you how happy I am to see you. That woman was keen to strip me down to nothing had you not intervened. If she'd seen the scars I don't know what..." His words trailed off as he noticed Elba was staring at him intently.

Before he could ask what'd happened she charged him, grabbing him by the shoulders and pinning him against the wall. The grip she had on him was iron tight, almost painful as she leveled her gaze with his. Without warning she leaned in, crushing him into a kiss that was half loving, half desperate, as if it was the single act alone was keeping her alive.

"Elba," Libro gasped when she pulled away. "What's gotten into you?,"

"I love you," Elba said, no fear or trepidation in her voice this time.

His breath hitched in the back of his throat. This was the first time she'd ever said it back to him and the realization alone nearly made him tear up. "I love you too," he murmured, wondering what in the seven hells had gotten into her.

"I'm pregnant."

Libro froze. So that's what had gotten into her. "I...I don't..." He sucked in a shuddering breath, fear trickling down his back in a cold rush. "How did this even happen?"

Elba furrowed her brow in confusion. "How do you think it happened? A bloody eagle flew in and told me the good news? No you bloody idiot, it was back in The Medial when you got drunk off the beer there and thought a romp in the hay would sober you back up. Loved every moment of it, mind you."

Memories of that particular night bubbled to the surface in Libro's mind. The smell of hay and horse sweat, the feel of Elba's skin against his as rain pattered over the rooftop, hiding their escapade. He'd tried to be careful, tried to make sure he'd spilled his seed on the ground instead of...her fertile garden, but as he thought about it more, he realized he'd done the exact opposite. Nido's tits, he was never drinking again.

Tales of the Vangen: The Dead King of Danic (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now