Chapter 7: Over the River and Through the Woods

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"Does it hurt?" Elba asked, tracing a finger over the stump of her man's arm. "After all this time?" She poked at the mottled flesh, scrubbed pink the night prior and still holding a healthy glow into morning. She liked the color of it, liked the little divots in his shoulder muscles.

"Sometimes," Libro admitted, voice still husky with sleep. The sound alone sent a thrill down her back. "Its ghost still haunts me from time to time. Like my fingers are still there, waiting to be moved. But every time I look down." And he lifted up the stump, eyeing where the leather satchel couched at the end. "I am reminded once again of what I've lost."

Elba shivered as Libro turned, reaching over with his good hand to cup her face. "But every day, when I look into your eyes, I'm reminded of what I've gained. I think I can handle the pain."

"You sir are a sack of goat cheese for puttering out such words." She swatted his hand away and he gasped playfully as she pounced on him, the last fatigue of sleep lost as she pushed him down. She pinned his one good arm with hers and used the other to grab his chin, leaning in close. "But I suppose it is my wifely duty to bear such a man's weight in cheese." She kissed him before he could say anything, slightly regretful given the taste of his morning breath, slightly excited as he suddenly leaned into her.

"We could start a business, you and I. Start selling cheese between campaigns. We'd make a killing in Byzantia." Libro's smile was infectious. She couldn't stop herself as his grin spread from cheek to cheek. "I'd buy you the loveliest silks, and the finest dresses, and you'd never want for anything again."

"And then what?" Elba asked as she tapped him on the nose. "Am I to stay in your cheese palace as you galivant off to another of the Empress's crusades? I'd be bored to death with all those fancy rooms you have back in the south. The gilding alone is far too much for my liking."

"I will buy you the warmest cloaks then," Libro said. "And the mightiest steed to carry you." He groaned as he pulled a stick from under his cot and tossed it away. "Or maybe a goose down mattress for starters."

"Aye, that does sound lovely." she settled against his chest, one ear listening to his heartbeat while the other listened to the noise outside. A hard wind had picked up, whipping the tent walls into a frenzy. Despite how long she'd slept, the sun had still not risen. Danic truly was a land swaddled in night. The thought alone made her skin crawl.

"Feels like you could sleep forever out here," Libro mumbled, giving her hand a squeeze. Damn, but he was good like that sometimes. Always the rock she needed when her mind started drifting.

"Aye," she murmured back.

"Doubt the men'll fuss if we stay like this for a while. Keela will come and get us if she's that desperate to keep moving."

Elba felt her mood sour somewhat at the witch's mention. "I don't trust her."

"Neither do I," he leaned in close to whisper. "Not one fecking bit, but she's the only one offering us guidance in this goddess forsaken place, deal or no deal. I've already told Brand to watch his back. Cent and Moss too."

Now that was a surprise for Elba. Usually she was the one telling folk to be careful. "You have?"

"I've had enough magickal women in my life trying to turn me into their unwilling puppet, thank you very much. I had my guard up the moment she revealed herself in the tower."

"Well, well. And here I was ready to slap you for having second thoughts. I suppose you've earned the title of husband for now, but I'll be keeping my eye on you."

Her humor fell on deaf ears as he squeezed her hand, a little too hard this time. "I let you go once," he said, voice all throaty and serious now. "And out of the goodness of your heart you came back to me. I won't ever let you go again. I won't ever make you doubt."

Tales of the Vangen: The Dead King of Danic (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now