Chapter 4- Djinn's hideout

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I was just sitting inside the tent or rather guarding Caera. Regis had gone to investigate a part of the zone as he felt a aetheric presence of something, most probably a relic.

I saw Caera sleeping peacefully, her navy blue hairs falling like a curtain on her face,her beautiful horns that felt like a black obsidian crown on her head. She was a true beauty in all sense.

Even after learning about my past, I think she was the only one that took it pretty well. She said to me that she didn't care who I was in the past, she loved me for who I am right now, that fact alone made me happy.

Right now I have to figure a way out as to how I am going to take her back with me to Dicathen and introduce her. Well let's push that thought aside, it's a problem that the future me has to solve anyways.

'Yo princess, I found something really intresting even you will be in awe when you see this.' regis said with a hint of pride in his discovery.'Spit it out regis, what is it?' I asked my companion.

'Let's keep that a suspense for now. I am heading towards the tent right now, I think it would be better for you to see it for your self than me saying it to you. Let's wait for our horned goddess or rather now your girlfriend to wake up.' He said while snickering.

I just stayed silent, thinking of what it could be that made regis think that I would be in awe after seeing it and him having such a pride in it. After a few minutes, regis came and transformed into his puppy form and rolled up around me.

'Say Arthur, didn't I told you that the horned goddess would not hate you or abandon you even after learning about your past.' he said.'Yeah I guess you are right regis. It didn't affect her feelings and her trust for me.' i replied.

After a few hours


I slowly started to wake up from my sleep. The first thing I saw was a man with wheat blonde hair and golden eyes talking to a puppy. I recognised those two instantly, one was the man that I Confessed to and the other was his pet.

Then Arthur noticed that I had woken up.
"Morning, my lady or.... my drooling queen." He said with a warm look on his eyes and chuckling a bit. I then noticed that I had some drool on my mouth and realised I had been drooling while sleeping. It was really embarrassing, it is one of my worst habits. I just nodded at him packed my things up while cleaning my drool, so as to not make eye contact with him as I was embarrassed.

"Regis is boasting that he found something really intresting and telling that it would be better for us to directly see it for ourselves." He said. To which I raised a brow " Oh what would could that be?" I asked to which Gr-Arthur replied that regis wouldn't tell him.

So we packed our stuff up and dismantled the tent and started to head where regis was leading us."Art, I know it's really late now, but I wanted to say that I really am sorry for your lose. Because of the people here in Alacrya yo-" I was cut off by Art.

"Thank you Caera, but please don't blame your self for that. It wasn't your fault. As I said, Agrona is just manipulating the people here in Alacrya. And if they don't obey him, they all will be disposed of." he said. I nodded at him, "So Art, did your previous world had some tasty cuisines and desserts or sweets." I asked him as I was curious about the food available their. To which he just chuckled.

"Yes, there are many cuisines and sweets. Heck I was sometimes confused as what to eat and what not to. Just remembering those food makes my mouth water. I do remember some recipes, I would be more than happy to cook them for you if you want." He replied. "You would!! I would love if you do so. And not only just you cook them for me, teach them to me so I can try cooking them for you!" I exclaimed and he simply laughed a bit.

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