Chapter 17

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"Hi mom. I am back."

As soon as those words left my mouth, mom dashed towards me.

"Oh my baby." she arrived in front of me and collapsed on her knees , her arms around my waist, gripping with all her strength as if afraid that i might vanish without a trace again.

"The voice... I... No, your father and I both knew it was yours! *sniff* You are back to us now, yes... you are back home." That was all she could spell out before her emotions overtook her, tears streaming down her face.

It took all my mental focus to stop myself from crying.

I kept repeating a thought in my mind, that i am now home, i am not leaving them again, that i can protect them this time.

After a bit Ellie walked towards us and patted moms back." there there mama, don't cry." but after some unsuccessful attempts she began to cry as well.

"Arthur!!" I turned my head, face still wet with tears to see outside the sprinting figure of my father drenched in sweat.

He didn't stop as he reached us and simple slide on his knee, hugging all of us as we all almost toppled over.

"Arthur! My son! Look how big you are. Oh my God! You're back, you're back!" My father was cupping my head in his hands to get a better look at my face.

He broke down while placing his large hand on the back of my head, bringing my forehead to touch his.

Our little family reunion continued. My mother sobbed uncontrollably, embracing me, and my oblivious little sister cried with her, as my father and I just looked at each other with tears in our eyes, all of us glad that we were finally together.

Eventually, we had all managed to settle down.

"Would you mind introducing us to her?" My father asked as he pointed at Caera, who was just standing there and watching us from the side and carrying both sylv and chloe, both sleeping soundly, oblivion to what's happening here.

"Hello Ms and Mrs Leywin. I am Caera. As for why i am with Arthur-

"Let me explain. So the thing is, I met caera during my stay in Elshire forest. We both have been travelling together since then."

"Apparently, Caera was separated from her family due to an attack on their journey a horde of bandits."

"We tried to reach out to her family the same way I did. But we couldn't get connected to them, but we managed to leave them a message that she would be here in Xyrus."

"Mom, Dad can you please let Caera stay with us till her family finds her?" I played a simple yet the most dangerous trick that i have been hiding up until now.

'Cute Puppy eyes.'

Mom and Dad both looked at each other, then towards me then at caera. They both gave me a thumbs up and smiled.........a very omnious smile if i may say.

"why of course she can Art. How can we not let you G-..Friend stay here, you both have spent a lot of time together on your way back to here after all." said my mom.

"Now, art, Caera dear why don't we go and get something to eat first. I am sure you both are very tired." Mom said while gesturing us to come inside.

"Yeah, we can talk about your adventures there. Right son?" dad asked with anticipation.

"Yeah sure." i replied.

We entered the house and made our way to the dining hall. On our way Dad asked a few questions about Sylvie and Chloe after noticing them.

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