Chapter 16

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Today was the day I would see my parents again... and meet my dad. It felt surreal, almost like a dream. A nervous energy buzzed through me as I readied myself for the reunion.

"Caera, are you all ready? It's about time."

"Yeah, just give me a minute. Let me bid farewell to Elder Rinia and thank her."

"Okay. I'll be there in a sec."

Disconnecting our transmission, I picked up my bag and godstepped to Elder Rinia's house to pick up Caera, Chloe, and Sylv. I arrived just as Caera was saying her goodbyes to Rinia, while Sylv and Chloe rested on top of Regis.

"Elder Rinia, thank you again for everything you've done for us," I said, startling them with my sudden appearance.

"Oh, it's fine, dear. After all, this is the least I could do for you."

"Now remember this, Arthur, Caera. You may have seen the future and are here to correct it, but don't let that restrain you from living the life you want. Have fun, enjoy your time, and trust each other," she advised.

"Yes, we will. Until we meet again, Elder Rinia," I said, giving a small bow.

"Yes, it's goodbye for now, Arthur. Oh, wait, can you give me and Caera a minute?"

"Of course," I replied, stepping aside to give them some space to talk.


"Caera, I know it will be difficult, but you have to stop Arthur from reverting back to Grey if he ever decides to do so in the future," Elder Rinia requested.

"I know. I will do whatever it takes to keep him from going back to Grey," I replied with a firm nod.

I knew how much Arthur had suffered, and I certainly didn't want him to return to that lonely and emotionless state. Losing his father, then Sylv, and finding himself in enemy territory had taken a huge toll on him.

Finishing our talk, Arthur and I bid farewell to Elder Rinia and went to his room.

"Caera, I told Gramps to get us a private carriage. That way, we can travel without exposing you and Chloe. Take Chloe and wear the relic cloak; we'll head downstairs," Arthur explained.

I nodded and took the relic out of my dimensional ring, placing it on Chloe before putting on the cloak myself.

"Shall we?" I asked.

"Of course, m'lady. I'll take the lead," Arthur said with a playful smile.

We headed downstairs where Elder Virion and Princess Tessia were waiting for us near the carriage.

"Took you long enough, brat," Elder Virion greeted.

"Yeah, I had some trouble finding some things, but I found them at least," Arthur replied.

Arthur opened the carriage door and placed his bag inside, instructing me to wait inside while he bid his farewells. I complied and entered the carriage.

"It isn't much, but take this, brat. It will help you in the future," said Elder Virion, handing Arthur a medallion.

It was the Elven royalty's badge, that could be an useful item in the future and maybe it will save us some trouble.

"Arthur! Remember to take care! We'll find some way to contact you and update you. This medallion will help you navigate through the Forest of Elshire if you're ever in the area. Or maybe you can just find another princess to lead you back," he joked, winking at Arthur.

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