Chapter 37. AFO vs All Might

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All might attacked all for one, so hard a giant gust of wind almost blew everyone away

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All might attacked all for one, so hard a giant gust of wind almost blew everyone away.

AFO and all might began to fight and you asked yourself why you were being so scared, you were strong and you knew it goddamn well, there was no way you could back down from a fight if it hadn't even started I mean, could you even call yourself a Parker? What would nemuri think?

You felt yourself becoming more confident as you continued to think, bakugo however didn't have the same mindset, he seemed like he just wanted to leave, but you didn't want to leave, not yet, not after what he's done to these heroes and ESPECIALLY not after he's RUINED YOUR CAMP EXPERIENCE.

While you were getting lost in your head you didn't hear any of what all might and AFO were saying to each other, as you snapped back to reality the first thing you did hear was Bakugou blasting into the air, grabbing you by the waist with him,

"Wha- Bakugo what the fuck? What are you doing? Let's go back down there and help out all might! Come on!!" You tried to quickly say,

"All might cant kick his ass if we're down there, we won't be any help we'll just be in the way." He replied moving closer to your face to say more hushed and grabbing your waist tighter so that you couldn't try to escape his grip and go back down.

I mean I guess what he was saying made sense but you couldn't shake this pestering feeling of not being good enough like heck, you let yourself get kidnapped by a group of lowlife villains, you felt useless.

As if he could read your mind, or somehow you had telepathy without knowing it, bakugo softened for a second,

"Look I understand you want to help, but if you went down there right now you'd be the complete opposite, all might will be fine, just trust me y/n."

He couldn't blast us up forever and eventually we were back on the ground but far out of the way while AFO and all might continued fighting.

When the unexpected occurred.

Kirishima was flying through the air held by izuku and iida,

"COME ON!" He shouted down, holding his hand out, bakugo grabbed your wrist and pulled you closer to him,

"Hold on tight.." he grumbled with a grin, you stuck your hands to his back, practically hugging him as he used the both of his hands to create an even bigger blast then the one before shooting you both up into the air.

One of his arms wrapped around your waist again and the other reached out toward kirishima, you laughed as you looked up seeing your classmates, your friends.

bakugo joined in on your laughing and then shouted toward them,


Making you laugh even more, and then iida gave you two instructions,

"Y/N, CRAWL ONTO KIRISHIMAS BACK AND BAKUGO, ON MY MARK YOU GIVE US A GIANT B-" however his voice died out due to bakugos,


"ITS NOT THE TIME TO FIGHT YOU GUYS!" The redhead exclaimed.

You looked to bakugo smiling as a thank you in the moment knowing you'd give him an actual thank you after all of this.

"Let me go." You said to bakugo, looking in his eyes, he hesitated and looked like he was going to shake his head 'no',

"I have a plan, just trust me bakugo." You said, repeating the phrase he said to you, his lips thinned for a second before releasing you, they all thought you were going to fall down but you shot a web at kirishima and swung yourself up and around to his back, you wrapped your arms and legs around like it was a piggy back,

"Hey." You whispered and chuckled noticing his blush, and once again a moment was disrupted.

Mt lady shot up from the ground growing tall and gigantic ally so that she could block compress from getting past to you and bakugo, and that must have been the last of her strength as after that act she passed back out on the ground,

"Don't help me dumb kids.." were her last words before becoming unconscious.

Once you were on ground you were stopped infront of a station with a large screen on it, you were stood in between kirishima and bakugo while izuku had his back turned to the three of you on the phone to somebody.

"Y/n that swingy thing you did was so cool!! I really thought you were just letting bakugo drop you but you were like, pew! Swoosh! Swoosh!" He attempted to play out your actions with his little goofy hand movements making you laugh.

"I WOULD NEVER DROP HER!" Bakugo shouted holding up his clenched fist,

"Careful bakugo, somebody might think you care!!" You sarcastically stated.

"No for real though, only an idiot would drop a girl like you!" Kirishima smiled toward you,

"AND IM NOT AN IDIOT!" Shouted the blonde again.

The whole scene was on the screen and everyone was talking about how beat up all night was, and how one man could have so much power.

You felt awful, all night didn't deserve this, and now, everyone knew his secret and saw his weak form, izuku looked over to you and you locked eyes for a moment, unsure of what to say or do.

In the end, all might fought until he couldn't anymore, until all for one was beaten to the ground and him himself was bloody and bruised, but still standing, even in his weak form.

It's like the world went silent for a moment, when he raised his arm and punched a fist in the air. He was still out all night no matter what. The crowd screamed and reporters praised him.

But now you only wanted one thing. To see aunt nem and go home.

Sorry for not updating in a while guys I've been so busy lately I'll try to make another post tmr👎

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