At the Starting Line

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Here we are again, another day at the race track getting the car ready for my brother James so he can live out his dream of being a race driver, he's only in formula 3 driving around in the lower division in hopes of being spotted by a big company and then driving in the big leagues at formula 1.

Of course it's not a surprise to me I think to myself as I work on the engine of the car "Y/n Hunt it's no surprise that your brother would soon follow his little sister down the path of shame, father wasn't too happy that James wants to be a race driver.

Dad wanted, no expected James to be a Doctor and when James told him of his new career he was absolutely furious, though he didn't have it as bad a I did 3 years ago, at only 19 I got pregnant by my boyfriend at the time Tommy, we met through James and the race track.

And when we finally got the courage to tell my parents, I got kicked out of the house and disowned, then Tommy and I got married, and by now I'm a widow and live alone with my son Michael, Mike for short, sadly Tommy passed away when he crashed on the race track almost 2 years ago.

It then crosses my mind, the question everyone keeps asking, "'why do I still come to the track?' I'm not sure but I know that I come all the way down to the track so Mike can be close to his Dad and I, well I've gotten to the point where I'm longing for the romance the track use to have, going for a drive with him, supporting him from the side and running to him at the end of a race.

I'm a 22 year old widow with a 3 year old son and work as a waitress, babysitter and part time pit crew for my brothers car just to keep a roof over our head." My thoughts are cut short as I hear metal hit the floor.

"Fuck, what was that?" James asked as I scanned the floor under the engine to see what fell, I lay on my stomach and saw a hand full of nuts and bolts on the floor that I had been holding, I reach out and grab them.

"It's fine, just a few nuts and Bolts.. got'em" I exclaimed from under the car as James pulled me out by my legs despite my protest, as I sat up I could see a few other drivers and mechanics looking at me weird one of them I hadn't seen before, but soon turned my attention to Mike laughing at me from inside the car.

I turn to him with a massive smile on my face saying "are you laughing at mommy? Mommy being silly under the car?" And tickling him in the chair as he says "NOO, MOMMY NO TICKLE, BAD MOMMY" I just laughed and gave him a kiss before putting the nuts and bolts in place and putting the bonnet down.

James then throws me a cloth to wipe the oil off my hands, I then throw it back over my shoulder at him after cleaning my hands and walk back over to Mike and pick him up out of the car saying "come on then champ let's get to the pit before everyone else to get the best spot"

To which he squirmed out of my arms and yelled "Mommy quick, faster Mommy" as I walked with him pulling at my hand, I just chuckle and followed him taword the track.

As we walked through the rows and rows of cars Mike started to run off infront of me, I started to run after him through the crowds and finally caught up with him as a big metallic bang rung out through the crowd.

I stopped in my tracks as I looked to see where the sound came from as Mike ran taword me yelling "I didn't mean to mommy, sorry, I didn't try" hiding behind me as my eyes landed on a large tool box and a few car parts on the floor next to a race car I've never seen at the track before.

I quickly made my way over to them and started picking up all the tools and parts while saying "I'm so sorry about this, he didn't mean to, I can pay for anything that's damaged"

A few guys then started to pick stuff up with me, the driver who was stood on the other side of the car then came round and started to talk to us "There's no need, accidents happen. He should watch were he is going before he gets himself hurt..." in a strong Austrian accent.

He then grabbed the car part out of my hand gently and gave it to another guy saying "they can deal with that, don't worry about it, you should go and enjoy the race"

I just stood from the floor and smiled at him and asked "Are you new here? I've gone to every race for the last 4 years and yet I've never seen you before."

Mike stood next to me and tugged at my hand so I picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder as the driver replied "Yes It is my first season. My name is Niki Lauda and you are?"

I put my free hand out and shook his hand as I reply "Y/n Hunt, this is my son Mike." Mike waved shyly at Niki. Niki then said "Hello Mike. (Waves at him with a smile, then turns to me) why come to every race? Is your husband a driver? That James Hunt I keep hearing of?"

Mike then turned slightly in my arms to reply as I chuckled loudly "no that's uncle Jamie. Mommy said that Dad went to heaven after a crash, now we come see uncle Jamie every race and Mommy helps fix the car"

Niki's face quickly turned from curiosity to sorrow, as he said "I am extremely sorry to hear that, it must have been difficult."

As I go to reply the announcement for all drivers to get on the track rings out across the track, so I smile and say "It's easier now. Well we have to go to see James off, good luck out there Niki we'll be routing for you"

Mike then put his hand out for a high five saying "Bye Niki, big luck" Niki smiled at him and gave him a high five saying "Thank you, I'm sure to win with you supporting me champ" My breath got caught in my throat for a second as he used Mike's nickname before putting a smile on my face and saying a final goodbye before walking off with Mike to the pits to see James off.

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