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Next morning in Daegu

Y/n was on her phone, eagerly talking to Sarah. She paced back and forth in her brother Lee Seojoon's room, his laptop clutched in her hands. On the other end of the line, Sarah was relaxing in a salon, a face mask adorning her face with cucumber slices on her eyes.

Y/n impatiently ranted to Sarah, "Gosh, I'm getting so nervous, Sarah. Nothing is showing up on the website... I've been checking since last night, and now I'm on oppa's laptop, still nothing."

Sarah, trying to calm her friend down, said, "Check again, my baby."

Y/n sighed in frustration, "I checked just a minute ago, Sarah. I'm dying in this mystery. I guess the website is jammed due to traffic... I don't know if I passed the entrance exam or not."

Sarah encouraged her to look one more time for her results, and Y/n nervously typed her roll number on the screen. The page began its endless loading cycle once again.

Just then, Seojoon walked in, calling out, "Mom, please send me a glass of juice," and opened the bedroom door. Y/n flinched at the sudden intrusion and quickly closed the laptop as it was.

Seojoon, surprised to see Y/n using his laptop in his room, promptly asked, "What are you doing here? On my laptop?"

Y/n became hesitant, her mind racing for excuses as she looked around the room. She stuttered, "Actually... it's Sarah's wedding, right?"

Seojoon looked at her with a raised eyebrow and asked, "So?"

Y/n continued nervously, "Yeah... so... I was actually searching for some... some good, uh, bridesmaid's outfits. Yeah, a good bridesmaid's outfit, that's it..."

Seojoon shook his head slightly, sitting on the bed and pulling his left leg up to tie his shoelaces. Then he said, "You girls always have fashion on your minds, huh? Us boys, we only have to deal with business troubles... but not your fault, Y/nie, after all, you are a girl."

Y/n, feeling a bit flustered, quickly grabbed her phone and headed towards the door. "Just gotta go now... bye," she muttered, trying to make a quick exit.

Seojoon asked, "Where are you going?"

She glanced back at him and replied with a shrug, "You know, shopping... FASHION!"


Y/n came out of Seojoon's room and put her phone back near her ear. "Crap! I got away from that safely!" she exclaimed to Sarah.

"Now listen carefully," she continued, "Tell your parents that you are going out with me for shopping, buying your bridal dress."

Sarah asked, "Shopping? But where?"

Y/n pleaded, "Seoul."

"SEOUL???" Sarah exclaimed, clearly surprised. "Y/n, do you even know how far Seoul is from Daegu... and what if—"

Y/n quickly cut her off, her voice urgent, "Yeah yeah, I'm well aware, and that's why I'm telling you if we depart right now, we can even come back by evening easily. Please, Sarah, today's the last day for the results and now checking with college is our last resort, so it's now or never for me..."

There was a long pause on the line before Sarah finally said, "Okay, get dolled up. I'm coming in 30 minutes to your place."


Y/n and Sarah reached the grand gates of IIE Seoul. After completing the visitors' formalities, they dashed into the college campus, greeted by a vast expanse of manicured lawns and towering buildings. The campus sprawled out before them, bustling with students hurrying to and fro between classes.

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