Chapter 1: The Lost Bbokkari

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Author's POV

The air crackled with a nervous energy that only a dedicated STAY like Melody could understand. Today was the day – the grand opening of the limited-time SKZOO pop-up store. Weeks of anticipation had culminated in this very moment, her heart drumming a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Her mission? To secure the ultimate prize – the adorable, sunshine-colored Bbokkari plushie, Felix's signature SKZOO character.

Pushing open the glass doors, Melody was instantly assaulted by a wave of noise and color. Shelves overflowed with the eight adorable SKZOO plushies, each representing a member of Stray Kids. Fans, young and old, swarmed the aisles, clutching their coveted finds. Disappointment threatened to cloud Melody's excitement. Bbokkari's shelf was already picked clean – not a single fluffy sugar glider in sight.

Dejected, Melody wandered through the aisles, Beth, her best friend and fellow STAY, trailing behind with a sympathetic pout. Just then, a commotion erupted near the entrance. The crowd parted like the Red Sea, revealing none other than Bang Chan, leader of Stray Kids, casually dressed in a hoodie and jeans. A gasp escaped Melody's lips as the crowd erupted in cheers. This wasn't part of the plan!

Bang Chan navigated the throng, his easy smile spreading warmth through the store. Beth, usually the epitome of cool, practically vibrated with excitement. Before Melody could process what was happening, Beth was dragging her towards the epicenter of the impromptu fan meet.

Suddenly, disaster struck. Melody's foot caught on a stray backpack, sending her sprawling forward. Her bag flew open, spewing a chaotic assortment of pens, notebooks, and – oh no – a hair tie. As Melody scrambled to gather her belongings, she realized the hair tie had snagged on a shelf, sending a lone Bbokkari tumbling towards the unsuspecting Bang Chan.

Time seemed to slow down. The Bbokkari, the very one Melody had desperately searched for, landed at Bang Chan's feet with a soft thud. He looked down, a surprised chuckle escaping his lips.

"Looks like this little guy found his way to you," Bang Chan said with a playful smile, holding out the Bbokkari to Melody.

Melody could only stare, speechless, as Beth squealed with delight, phone already aimed for the perfect picture. This wasn't how she'd imagined meeting her idol, but it was undeniably perfect. What would Bang Chan say? What could she possibly say back?

Melody's mind was a whirlwind. Here she was, sprawled on the floor, palms scraped, dignity shredded, yet somehow holding the ultimate prize – the Bbokkari clutched tightly in Bang Chan's outstretched hand. Beth's triumphant click echoed in the stunned silence.

Meeting Bang Chan's eyes, a blush flooded Melody's cheeks. They were a warm brown, crinkled at the corners from his genuine smile. "Uh, hi," she stammered, feeling the heat rise to her ears.

Bang Chan chuckled, his laugh light and melodic. "Hey there, STAY! Seems like Bbokkari here is a big fan of yours." He winked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Melody felt her heart skip a beat. Bang Chan winks? In real life? It felt like something straight out of a fever dream, a scene ripped from one of his legendary V Lives where he'd playfully tease STAY with his charming flirtations.

Scrambling to her feet, Melody mumbled a hurried, "Thank you, but I don't..."

Bang Chan raised an eyebrow, feigning offense. "Don't you want Bbokkari? He seems pretty attached." He tilted the plushie towards her, its big, embroidered eyes seeming to sparkle in agreement.

Melody couldn't help but smile. This playful banter, it was exactly like Bang Chan in his V Lives. "Of course I do," she admitted sheepishly. "I just, uh, wasn't expecting..." she trailed off, gesturing towards the chaos around them.

"The surprise delivery?" Bang Chan finished for her, another playful smile gracing his lips. "Well, sometimes the best things in life come a little...unexpectedly." He held the Bbokkari a little closer, his gaze lingering on her for a beat too long.

Beth, ever the opportunist, chimed in, "Maybe it's destiny! Bbokkari knew he had to find his true STAY."

Bang Chan chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Maybe he did. Or maybe he just has a nose for good taste."

Melody felt her cheeks burn even hotter. Was Bang Chan flirting with her? In the middle of the SKZOO pop-up store, surrounded by hundreds of fans? It was insane, impossible, and yet...his playful demeanor, the way he held her gaze, it all felt strangely real.

Just then, a security guard approached, politely reminding everyone to keep the aisles clear.

Sighing dramatically, Bang Chan raised his hands in mock surrender. "Looks like our fun is cut short, STAYs. But hey, at least Bbokkari found his forever home." He winked at Melody once more before turning to greet another group of fans.

Beth squealed, practically vibrating with excitement. "Did you see that? Did you see him wink at you?"

Melody could only nod, a dazed smile plastered on her face. The encounter had been brief, but the memory of Bang Chan's playful teasing, his warm smile, and that undeniable wink, would forever be etched in her heart. Maybe, just maybe, a little piece of Stray Kids magic had found its way into her day, delivered by a charming leader and his lucky Bbokkari.

A collective sigh of disappointment swept through the crowd as the security guard politely ushered Bang Chan away. Melody clutched Bbokkari tighter, the warmth of the plushie a stark contrast to the coolness spreading across her skin.

"Did you see that?" Beth shrieked, practically vibrating next to her. "He winked at you, Melody! Did you see his wink?"

Melody could only nod, a dazed smile plastered on her face. The encounter had been brief, but the memory of Bang Chan's playful teasing, his warm smile, and that undeniable wink would forever be etched in her heart.

Just then, a new wave of commotion rippled towards them. This time, it wasn't another charming leader, but Hyunjin, the group's resident visual king, strolling through the throngs with an air of nonchalance.

Dressed in a black cap pulled low over his forehead and a stylish leather jacket, Hyunjin's eyes scanned the excited crowd. "Yo STAYs, what's all the fuss?" he called out, his voice a deep rumble that sent shivers down spines.

The crowd erupted in fresh screams. Beth, ever the opportunist, pushed Melody and Bbokkari forward. "She snagged the last Bbokkari! And Bang Chan practically handed it to her!"

Hyunjin's lips curved into a playful smirk, his gaze landing on the sunshine-colored plushie nestled in Melody's arms. "Looks like someone beat me to the punch. I was hoping to snag the last one for our resident puppy, Seungmin."

Melody couldn't help but let out a surprised laugh. Seungmin, the puppy? The image of the group's main vocalist chasing after a Bbokkari was too adorable to resist.

Hyunjin's smirk widened, a mischievous glint mirroring Bang Chan's earlier one. "Seems like Bbokkari found his forever home instead." He winked at Melody, a playful challenge in his eyes. "Just make sure you take good care of him, alright, STAY?"

The rapid succession of winks and playful teasing left Melody speechless. "O-of course!" she stammered, feeling her cheeks burn with a blush hotter than the afternoon sun.

Hyunjin chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "Don't worry, STAY. I'm sure you two will be the best of friends."

With that, Hyunjin gave a playful salute and continued his way through the store, leaving Melody flustered and Beth positively vibrating with excitement.

In the span of five minutes, Melody had not only secured the last Bbokkari but also interacted with two members of Stray Kids, both of whom had flirted with her in their own unique ways. It felt surreal, like a dream come true ripped straight out of a fan fiction.

"This is the best day ever!" Beth squealed, practically dragging Melody towards the checkout.

But amidst the whirlwind of emotions, a tiny voice whispered in Melody's mind. Was it just friendly banter, or was there something...more? The answer, like the remaining SKZOO plushies, had already been snatched up by other excited STAYs. Only time, and maybe a little bit of Stray Kids magic, would tell.

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